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  1. #1
    k0nsl's Avatar
    k0nsl is offline Banned
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    Glycerol + Creatine


    I wish to know if a member of this forum has used Glycerol combined with Creatine of their own preference, such as CEE Creatine, etc,.

    The reason for asking this question is because I will be trying this myself in a matter of eight weeks or so and am therefore interested to know the experiance from other people. I have already established that doing so will cause no harm - I spoke with a knowledgeable doctor on this subject. At first the doctor I spoke with seemed very surprised when I mentioned that I wished to drink Glycerol

    As I understand it, mixing Glycerol and Creatine can have a positive effect since both these products store fluid in your muscles and thus it can be an advantage for a bodybuilder.

    This substance, Glycerol, should be possible to purchase in a drug store, very cheap and gives immediate response, unlike Creatine (for some people).

    That is how a bottle of Glycerol looks like in Taiwan. The substance is slightly yellow in most cases.
    Last edited by k0nsl; 08-20-2006 at 05:10 PM.

  2. #2
    k0nsl's Avatar
    k0nsl is offline Banned
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    By the way, here is more complete information about Glycerol if anybody wants to know more:

  3. #3
    SuperChicken1 is offline Junior Member
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    Nov 2004
    You can buy USP grade Glicerine (Glycerol) that is even Kosher (should that matter to you) from Craft Lobby or from Animal's website... about $20/gal but shipping is high for a gallon of liquid.

    I use it to sweeten my tea and also use creatine... I find I have fewer dehydration problems (headaches) but don't have quantitative data for muscle size results.


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