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  1. #1
    DemonInside's Avatar
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    hows my stack and pct look?

    hi i'm looking at doing some Phera-Plex stacked with superdrol as from what i've been reading people have had great results.

    stack looks liek this

    Wk 1- Phera-Plex 20mg
    Wk 2- Phera-Plex 20mg
    Wk 3- Phera-Plex 30mg
    Wk 4- Phera-Plex 20mg / Superdrol 10mg
    Wk 5- Superdrol 20mg
    Wk 6- Superdrol 20mg

    now since the cycle is 6 weeks should my pct be that long?

    SERM: clomid first day at 300mg, then 100mg/day for the next 13days, then 75mg/day for the last 2 weeks.

    AI: can i use LiquiDex? since i am guessing from what i searched aromasin is a perscription only?

    pre cycle one week before i plan on taken
    -my GNC Multi oils
    -Saw palmetto 1350mg
    -Milk thistle 1000mg
    -iss's super vitamin pak
    -Hawthorne Berry 1000mg
    -Red Yeast Rice (2 caps daily)
    -CoQ10 (1 cap daily)

    on cycle support
    -gnc Multi oils
    -Saw palmetto 1350mg
    -Milk thistle 2500mg
    -iss's super vitamin pak
    -Hawthorne Berry 1500mg
    -Red Yeast Rice (2 caps daily)
    -CoQ10 (1 cap daily)

    pct supports
    -Fenugreek (500 mg x 4 before bed)
    -Multi oils
    -Saw palmetto
    -Milk thistle 2500mg
    -iss's super vitamin pak
    -Hawthorne Berry 1500mg
    -Red Yeast Rice (2 caps daily)
    -CoQ10 (1 cap daily)
    -tribulus 625mg

    is SUMA ROOT something to get since i haven't heard much about it?

    any other suggestions on stuff i may have forgot?

    Last edited by DemonInside; 11-20-2006 at 06:28 PM.

  2. #2
    Schmidty's Avatar
    Schmidty is offline Test Is Best!
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    I dont know much about PP but it looks like everything will be ok

  3. #3
    rar1015's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DemonInside
    hi i'm looking at doing some Phera-Plex stacked with superdrol as from what i've been reading people have had great results.

    stack looks liek this

    Wk 1- Phera-Plex 20mg
    Wk 2- Phera-Plex 20mg
    Wk 3- Phera-Plex 30mg
    Wk 4- Phera-Plex 20mg / Superdrol 10mg
    Wk 5- Superdrol 20mg
    Wk 6- Superdrol 20mg

    now since the cycle is 6 weeks should my pct be that long?

    SERM: clomid first day at 300mg, then 100mg/day for the next 13days, then 75mg/day for the last 2 weeks.

    AI: can i use LiquiDex? since i am guessing from what i searched aromasin is a perscription only?

    pre cycle one week before i plan on taken
    -my GNC Multi oils
    -Saw palmetto 1350mg
    -Milk thistle 1000mg
    -iss's super vitamin pak
    -Hawthorne Berry 1000mg
    -Red Yeast Rice (2 caps daily)
    -CoQ10 (1 cap daily)

    on cycle support
    -gnc Multi oils
    -Saw palmetto 1350mg
    -Milk thistle 2500mg
    -iss's super vitamin pak
    -Hawthorne Berry 1500mg
    -Red Yeast Rice (2 caps daily)
    -CoQ10 (1 cap daily)

    pct supports
    -Fenugreek (500 mg x 4 before bed)
    -Multi oils
    -Saw palmetto
    -Milk thistle 2500mg
    -iss's super vitamin pak
    -Hawthorne Berry 1500mg
    -Red Yeast Rice (2 caps daily)
    -CoQ10 (1 cap daily)
    -tribulus 625mg

    is SUMA ROOT something to get since i haven't heard much about it?

    any other suggestions on stuff i may have forgot?

    Well first off its not a good idea to stack these too because of health risks, its up to you but i wouldnt do it. If i were you i would just stick to one or the other and use it at at dose like this-20/20/20/20 or 20/20/30/30 (depending on side effects). Honestly you most likely wont get much more by stacking the two. IMO its a waste of money and increase the chance of health risks. You should just keep the dosage the same for the first couple of weeks and if you dont have any side effects then increase the dose, really no point in increasing the dose and then tapering back down unless you experience side effects. Neither one of these products should be ran for more than 4 weeks IMO. SD and PP ARE steroids and shouldnt be taken lightly. Anyways that cycle doesnt look good if ya ask me.

    On a positive note, its good that you are starting the support supplements before you start the cycle.

  4. #4
    DemonInside's Avatar
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    thanks for the reply rar1015, its just a stack i've found on they even have a higher dosed stack but i think this one is fine. i think i'll try it out and if i get some sides i'll change it

    so you think i'll be fine with LiquiDex as a AI?
    Last edited by DemonInside; 11-20-2006 at 08:35 PM.

  5. #5
    rar1015's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DemonInside
    thanks for the reply rar1015, its just a stack i've found on they even have a higher dosed stack but i think this one is fine. i think i'll try it out and if i get some sides i'll change it

    so you think i'll be fine with LiquiDex as a AI?
    Yeah you should be fine man.

  6. #6
    DemonInside's Avatar
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    great thanks now this is set all i need is someone to help me make a diet since noone has helped me in the diet section

  7. #7
    JohnboyF is offline Banned
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    check your thread.... i posted a link in there.. also no one is going to spoon feed you a listed foods you have avalible..

    List what you ate today, that would be helpful.

  8. #8
    rar1015's Avatar
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    Yeah like FaizakaFez said, no one is going to put together a diet for you. Post what you diet looks like now and everyone will help you from there.

  9. #9
    DemonInside's Avatar
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    yeah sorry about that i was just being a lil greedy i guess

    i'll keep track of what i eat tomorrow and post up since i haven't ate much today due to alky induced sickness

    thanks again guys

    also do you think Fenugreek is really needed?

    how about the suma root?
    Last edited by DemonInside; 11-20-2006 at 09:56 PM.

  10. #10
    JohnboyF is offline Banned
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    future reference.. you dont want to drink on your cycle..

  11. #11
    DemonInside's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FaizakaFez
    future reference.. you dont want to drink on your cycle..
    definitly knew that but thanks, kinda i guess doing it before i have to stop, since i am very well going to be in my pct when new years hits so still no drinking.

    def wouldn't chance it even with a methyl compund

  12. #12
    UpstateTank's Avatar
    UpstateTank is offline Banned
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    a couple things...

    first off wouldnt reccomend going over 4 weeks w/ any of these listed supps...sticking w/ one or the other will more than likely get you better results..i gained 22lbs from my sd only cycle (read UpstateTanks sd log)...Also stacking 2 methylated oral roids is in no way safe for ones themselves sd and pp are very toxic oral roids, w/ info coming out recently about kidney damage from using sd alone

    From your avatar it def looks like yoru ready for either pp or sd, but i wouldnt reccomend stacking the 2 together. I see that you mention other ppl from doing the same stack (I'm a member on as well under the same name), but from what I've read on you really have to take everything w/ a grain of salt...for instance if you take a look at the ppl posting you will notice an overwhelming majority of them are 15, 16, 17 get the idea From my standpoint the ppl on this message board are leaps and bounds more educated in terms of knowledge concerning anything to do w/ bodybuilding/strengthtraining/supplements/ name it

    You def made the right choice coming here and asking for a critque

    My advice would be to run them seperate...If you want to run both a good rule of thumb is cycle time + pct time = time off....therefore both of these products should run 4 weeks at max + 4 weeks of pct subsequently leading to 2 months off between cycles

    Dosage wise is very dependent on your previous cycle experience....I ran sd at 20/20/30/30, but at the same time I had previously run a cycle of M1T. pp I've read ppl doing 20/20/20/20...and sometimes opting for 30 during the last week...If you want to confide in someone who has had experience w/ pp shoot Papi93 a PM, he has an excellent log detailing his experience w/ pp in this very forum.

    I like how you preload your support supps 1 week out...very wise decision. One vital support supp that is missing however is flush free niacin which aids in cholesterol support. When taking sd I ran mine between 1200-1800mg/day.

    One other thing I'd reccomend would be saving the COQ10 for pct....When constructing my cycle I arrived at the conclusion from various articles on this message board that CoQ10 & RYR basically cancel eachother out in terms of their effects....RYR depletes yoru body of CoQ10 therefore taking the 2 at the same time would basically be a waste...Run the CoQ10 for your first 2 weeks of pct instead (It'll save ya a lot of money....this stuff is really expensive )

    PCT wise, your clomid doeage is fine where it is....As far as using an AI I would still reccomend aromasin ..Here it is:

    Dosage wise run 25mg/day for all 4 weeks of pct

    And lastly make sure your diet is in check...all the roids in the world wont save you if it isnt (but as i said by your avy pic, it looks like you have a pretty good handle on it, but either way i'd still post your diet in the diet forum just to get one last critque)

    Good luck bro!

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    riding styles donkey
    have you bought all your support supps yet, if not check out anabolic innovations cycle support. its what i plan to use when i do the pp.

  14. #14
    DemonInside's Avatar
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    yeah i've already bought everything, i was just waiting to get the diet down and everything before i even thought of starting anything.

    upstate i found your log and bookmarked it yesterday

    the reason i even thought about stacking these was from a sticky i found on and then read a few people's logs on that stack who had real good results. i of course have the knock off's of SD and PP. and i agree with you on the people on vs people here. one of the main reasons i am more on here then there now a days. i of course have the same name there.

    my pm'ing isn't allowed for some reason since i tried to pm you before but idk whats going on with that.

    i forgot to ask about niacin since i saw it in your log, thanks i'll definitly add that and change the CoQ10 for the first 2 weeks of pct

    but still keep the ryr pre, on, and pct right?

    my somewhat diety plan is started in the diet thread but it needs alot of help. i always just ate clean and tried to eat what i could and it seems to have helped. but with SD or anything i wanna have it perfect.

    a few questions since i've never used Exemestane, it looks like its a spray right? and special time of day to take it, so its 25mg a ML so it will last me about a 30 days then right? how am i suppose to know i got a ML

    and the one bottle of clomid wouldn't be enough if i did my calculations right or did i mess something up

    upstate thanks again man

    oh btw upstate i'm sure you read the superdrol for dummies stickie on then right? some of the guys that have ran SD are recommending this but in some veru high dosages
    Last edited by DemonInside; 11-21-2006 at 12:42 PM.

  15. #15
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DemonInside
    yeah i've already bought everything, i was just waiting to get the diet down and everything before i even thought of starting anything.

    upstate i found your log and bookmarked it yesterday

    the reason i even thought about stacking these was from a sticky i found on and then read a few people's logs on that stack who had real good results. i of course have the knock off's of SD and PP. and i agree with you on the people on vs people here. one of the main reasons i am more on here then there now a days. i of course have the same name there.

    my pm'ing isn't allowed for some reason since i tried to pm you before but idk whats going on with that.

    i forgot to ask about niacin since i saw it in your log, thanks i'll definitly add that and change the CoQ10 for the first 2 weeks of pct

    but still keep the ryr pre, on, and pct right?

    my somewhat diety plan is started in the diet thread but it needs alot of help. i always just ate clean and tried to eat what i could and it seems to have helped. but with SD or anything i wanna have it perfect.

    a few questions since i've never used Exemestane, it looks like its a spray right? and special time of day to take it, so its 25mg a ML so it will last me about a 30 days then right? how am i suppose to know i got a ML

    and the one bottle of clomid wouldn't be enough if i did my calculations right or did i mess something up

    upstate thanks again man

    oh btw upstate i'm sure you read the superdrol for dummies stickie on then right? some of the guys that have ran SD are recommending this but in some veru high dosages
    To answer some of your questions...

    Yup keep the ryr pre on and post

    With the Exemestane it doest come w/ a spray pump thing, however I just opted to use the oral syringe that come w/ the clomid instead...makes it a hell of a lot easier than trying to figure out how many pumps you need

    As far as the clomid goes you're right 1 bottle wont be enough to cover all of pct...My only suggestion would be to not load the clomid on the first day...I've read ppl doing that, but I've also read ppl not doing that. When i ran sd I ran clomid 105mg/day for the first 2 weeks, and 70mg/day for the last 2 weeks and it was enough to last the entire length of pct...I'm not too sure as what the added benefit of loading 300mg the first day of clomid would be, so sorry I cant help you there

    And yea ive read the sd stickies on got some good stuff on there but i honestly feel they really steer ppl in the wrong direction...IMO they really downplay the toxicity of things such as sd and pp...I mean the way I look at it is, whats the use in putting your health at an even greater risk by stacking these things and taking a higher dosage? I really feel its better to be safe than sorry when it comes to sd/pp/hd etc b/c of the extremely low level of lab research and scientific data backing it...and to top it off what little that is out there always seems to further the level of toxicity of these kinds of things...

    You're def going about this the right way...I'm gonna go take a look at your diet (I'm def no expert by any means, but I'll see what I can do)...Good luck with everything bro!

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    riding styles donkey
    what phera-plex do you have. is it pheradrol, as that is dosed higher than 10mg. it is actually something like 12.3

  17. #17
    DemonInside's Avatar
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    thanks again upstate,few more questions. they say sd has a low half life and should be taken every 6-8hrs if i wake up at 10-11am should i take then or wait until before i workout which is around 3-6ish pm. also i've heard take it on a empty stomach and to take it with some type of fat. theres just so much on this but alot of it is based on opinions it seems like from where i've been reading. what do you think worked the best for you?

    also should the support supplements be taken at a different time sd is taken?

    my sd knock off(sns)is 10mg
    and my pp knock off is 15mg its called phera vol by EST

    i'll try and think of a anymore questions i might have and thanks again

  18. #18
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    1. dont frontload clomid, it just worsens sides and has little (if any) benefit over 50mg/day straight
    2. dont use arimidex for PCT (aromasin or AIFM(biased )

  19. #19
    DemonInside's Avatar
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    how about this then it says its stronger

    so should i just start clomid at 50mg then

    also is 100mg of coq10 enough for one day?

  20. #20
    fLgAtOr is offline Anabolic Member
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    Time to swim against the current here....Bro I really don't see anything outrageous about the cycle you posted.

    Many people with "real steroids " run their orals for 6 weeks.

    You dosages are conservative.

    You only run both for a wk and not over 30mg.

    So yeah, I say go for it, provided you stay on top of your bloodwork and support supps. I ran SD at 30mg for 1-4 and PP(ergomax lmg) for 5-8...Liver values were spec****ingtacular after PCT.

    BTW, I like macro's advice for PCT.

  21. #21
    RANA's Avatar
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    I have to agree with only taking PP for 4 weeks, no need to stack it with SD. I got off a cycle of PP 3/4 months ago and I loved it.
    The only thing you may want to add is Taurine and some B12.

  22. #22
    notorious_mem's Avatar
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    go with it and keep us posted

  23. #23
    Rip it's Avatar
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    some interesting, would like to see how this goes. good luck

  24. #24
    DemonInside's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DemonInside
    how about this then it says its stronger

    so should i just start clomid at 50mg then

    also is 100mg of coq10 enough for one day?
    bump for this being unanswered


    edit* do you think something such a retain and "perfect cycle" are needed with everything i got?
    Last edited by DemonInside; 12-01-2006 at 12:34 PM.

  25. #25
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DemonInside
    bump for this being unanswered


    edit* do you think something such a retain and "perfect cycle" are needed with everything i got?
    not sure about the letro might be a bit too pretty sure its letro that can screw w/ your cholesterol levels pretty bad and suprisingly aromasin can actually have a positive impact on them...imo just stick w/ the aromasin

    100mg coQ10 is perfect

    and w/ clomid and aromasin run for pct you wont need perfect cycle or retain (i think that stuff is junk ne wayz)...although you may want to add in some creatine during pct to help keep as much size and strength as possible (id reccomend SizeOn powder cause its loaded w/ carbs and great for bulking!!!)

  26. #26
    DemonInside's Avatar
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    great thanks upstate i have some gnc creatine sitting here since i don't really like taken it since i don't feel much from it but i was saven it for my pct i'll just have to mix it with some juice.

    i tihnk i'm all set now just getting ready to finally start this cycle. i'll def be maken a log of everything and get some before pics. i'm gonna get that all ready before i start it.

    thanks again

  27. #27
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DemonInside
    great thanks upstate i have some gnc creatine sitting here since i don't really like taken it since i don't feel much from it but i was saven it for my pct i'll just have to mix it with some juice.

    i tihnk i'm all set now just getting ready to finally start this cycle. i'll def be maken a log of everything and get some before pics. i'm gonna get that all ready before i start it.

    thanks again
    Nope a problem bro!
    Good luck!

  28. #28
    notorious_mem's Avatar
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    heres a thought from what i read pp is a dryer bulk than sd...meaning less water retention so would it be more beneficial to run the pp at the end of your cycle?anybody with any thoughts on this?

  29. #29
    fLgAtOr is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by notorious_mem
    heres a thought from what i read pp is a dryer bulk than sd...meaning less water retention so would it be more beneficial to run the pp at the end of your cycle?anybody with any thoughts on this?
    I found this to be the opposite... I would of run PP then SD.

  30. #30
    notorious_mem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fLgAtOr
    I found this to be the opposite... I would of run PP then SD.
    i have only ran pp so i dont know about sd....that is until january...have you ran both of these then just curious cus i might do some stacking of pp and sd together if i can get enough info.

  31. #31
    DemonInside's Avatar
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    i've always seen it as pp then sd

    i shall be starting my cycle in about 2 weeks

  32. #32
    fLgAtOr is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by notorious_mem
    i have only ran pp so i dont know about sd....that is until january...have you ran both of these then just curious cus i might do some stacking of pp and sd together if i can get enough info.
    Ran SD for 4 weeks and then got adventurous and tried another couple weeks of E...Max LMG (very similar to PP).

    Weight continued to go up, but I lost some of the definition, held some more water etc.

    If I had to do it again, I would run 3 weeks of each, PP then SD. Or add a week and overlap them in the middle.

  33. #33
    DemonInside's Avatar
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    a small update, i got everything i need been kind of busy and waiting for the feeling that everything is right and feeling my strongest, so my plan is to start next week after christmas so i'd be starting on a tuesday, but i was then thinking of waiting till after new years incase i happend to drink on newyears eve which is 150% chance sure gonna happend....

    but i will definitly keep everyone who is interested updated and i'll create my first log ever lol, hopefully that goes well

    i'm not going to have Fenugreek in my pct, idk if its really needed but idk

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    riding styles donkey
    good luck, ill been watching.
    holding out, so you dont drink while on is probably a good idea. infact its why i have put mine off till the 6th jan.

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