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  1. #1
    jport1540's Avatar
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    How long do I wait to drink after taking halodrol/17a compound? Need to know ASAP.

    I have some halodrol and I want to start with it, but I want to know how long after I come off it do I have to wait to drink? I know you can't drink on it cause its liver toxic due to the 17a. Its a generic form taken twice a day in 25mg incriments. im 21, 5'10", 165-170 lbs, 12% BF. No AAS experience.Gaspari nutrition said wait a month after you come off, but that seems odd. Anyone who might have a good idea please let me know ASAP, as it will effect when I start. Thanks.

  2. #2
    spywizard's Avatar
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    In the Gym, if i could
    So an oral only cycle is your 1st choice, and you choose Halo??

    that's a tough question.. one i can't answer.. we'll wait and see what other say..
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  3. #3
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    jport at 5'10" 165lbs you're not ready for halodrol...I would say hold off for quite some time

    drinking shouldnt even be a concern when dealing w/ this stuff...ya gotta have some self discipline

    If you do decide to take it...Id quit drinking a couple weeks b4 all the way through pct and add a couple weeks to that

  4. #4
    jport1540's Avatar
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    just to clarify, its an oral cycle, but it is not AAS. An dits halodrol, not halo, as I am told there is a difference. Halodrol is modled after 2 AAS, one of which is halo-something...... I have not had anything to drink except for 2 beers at a friedns 21st and that was 2 weeks ago, and before that not for 3 weeks,so basically 5 weeks. I was curiosu how long after PCT though? PCT is suggested to start the 3rd week into the halodrol. Also, why do you say @ 170 and 5'10" to wait? (I hope that dosent come off in a jerk way, I really am curious since I am still learning).

  5. #5
    mousetraps's Avatar
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    if its gaspari halodrol, its not AAS which means its prolly not 17aa which means you can wreck your liver with booze all you want... which you can do anyways...

  6. #6
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    If you want to drink it won't kill you. It not recommended but you won't start pissing blood or anything. To progress however you won't find drinking in the cards....

    nuff said


  7. #7
    jport1540's Avatar
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    its not gaspari halodrol,but its the same compound, and same active ingredients. If I go on it, i wil not touch a drop of alcohol, i am curious about afterwards. how long after i finish taking it can i drink safely i.e. no pissing blood or causing liver damage?

  8. #8
    mousetraps's Avatar
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    is it a prohormone? im confused.

  9. #9
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mousetraps
    if its gaspari halodrol, its not AAS which means its prolly not 17aa which means you can wreck your liver with booze all you want... which you can do anyways...
    um yea it is AAS...and yes it is 17aa
    reading the ingredients from a box right in front of my face:
    4-chloro-17a-methyl-androst-1, 4-diene-3-17b-diol

    I hope you werent serious about suggesting "you can wreck your liver with booze all you want" cause thats the worst advice ive ever heard

  10. #10
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jport1540
    just to clarify, its an oral cycle, but it is not AAS. An dits halodrol, not halo, as I am told there is a difference. Halodrol is modled after 2 AAS, one of which is halo-something...... I have not had anything to drink except for 2 beers at a friedns 21st and that was 2 weeks ago, and before that not for 3 weeks,so basically 5 weeks. I was curiosu how long after PCT though? PCT is suggested to start the 3rd week into the halodrol. Also, why do you say @ 170 and 5'10" to wait? (I hope that dosent come off in a jerk way, I really am curious since I am still learning).
    Haladrol is AAS...Its not a prohormone...Prohormones by definition have to undergo a process of conversion when they enter the body...Haladrol does not have to do this hence rendering it AAS (same thing w/ sd etc)

    A couple other things...
    I dunno where you read starting pct during your third week cause that person is misinformed...pct is post cycle therapy hence one would start it after your cycle is over

    And lastly I say to hold off at 5'10-170 cause you still have a lot more growing you could do naturally...Ive read your cutting log before and you've made a lot of progess since you've joined this board...Why not try to put on some weight naturally first? (dont worry about sounding like a dick eithe--you didnt come off as one)...just my .02!

  11. #11
    jport1540's Avatar
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    The suggestion on the box is run the novedex XT "PCT" during the the third week and into the 4th while you are on it. Then for 2 weeks after that. I thought it was weird too that it would have you run an AI while you are taking it. I talked to some reps, some from Gaspari and some not from Gaspari, and they have all told me it is not a steroid , but closely resembes OT and that a conversion must take place in the body. I do not know much about chemistry, and its a possibility they are just trying to make some money and "bend the truth". Why do you say it is AAS? Curious because if it is in fact AAS, I will send it back and wait. Thanks for the help thus far.

  12. #12
    mousetraps's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UpstateTank
    um yea it is AAS...and yes it is 17aa
    reading the ingredients from a box right in front of my face:
    4-chloro-17a-methyl-androst-1, 4-diene-3-17b-diol

    I hope you werent serious about suggesting "you can wreck your liver with booze all you want" cause thats the worst advice ive ever heard
    half serious! wouldn't wish it but it is his free will.

  13. #13
    mousetraps's Avatar
    mousetraps is offline Member
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    also, you're correct it is AAS.

  14. #14
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jport1540
    The suggestion on the box is run the novedex XT "PCT" during the the third week and into the 4th while you are on it. Then for 2 weeks after that. I thought it was weird too that it would have you run an AI while you are taking it. I talked to some reps, some from Gaspari and some not from Gaspari, and they have all told me it is not a steroid, but closely resembes OT and that a conversion must take place in the body. I do not know much about chemistry, and its a possibility they are just trying to make some money and "bend the truth". Why do you say it is AAS? Curious because if it is in fact AAS, I will send it back and wait. Thanks for the help thus far.
    a couple things...
    1. Dont ever listen to the suggestions on the box for how long to run it or what to take for pct...SD reccomends a 6 week cycle (stacked with phera flex mind you) and to only use otc stuff for pct...They are trying to weasle more $$ outta your pocket. imo you gotta have the "real" pct stuff when it comes to this
    As far as running an AI while on cycle, that can be considered the most crucial time to prevent aromatization (hence why ppl run AI's during test cycles etc)...
    As far as haladrol actually being a steroid ...this is the impression I was always under. From all the posts ive read about this stuff I never came across anything saying haladrol had to be converted in the body, and always that it was active on its own (i could be wrong on this matter however--but then again gaspari could just be trying to save their asses and/or cover up the truth)...If you do conclude that haladrol is in fact aas (which i do feel it is), i wouldnt send it back--hold onto it until you feel you're ready

    hope that helps a lil more!

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