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  1. #1
    stlhrse's Avatar
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    pre and post workout supps

    I don't know very much about all of this, so give it to me straight and simple. What should I be taking immediately before and immediately after my workout. I usually do about 40 min. of cardio before my workout to get my heartrate up and going. Should I be downing protien, creatine, sugar, etc.??? I have no idea. please help.

    Thanks, Doug

  2. #2
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    Welcome to the board. There are alot of great people here and full of knowledge, or most of them for that matter. lol.

    First, 40 min of cardio as a warmup is way too much. Just do a quick warm up, for me its bout 5min. on bike, and a few warmup sets of weights, and save your cardio after your workouts.

    As pre workout, there is Ergopharm AMP. This stuff will get you really focused. And theres NO Shotgun, which will give insane pumps. Usually taken 30-45 min pre workout. Its just a matter of what you want and prefer.

    I usually take creatine pre and post workouts, but be sure to drink lots of water...1.5-2 gallons every day

    as for post, within 30 min of workout, you need to down about 40g protein, 80g simple carbs (I go 40 dextrose and 40 maltodextrins), and along with some creatine if your taking it.

    **Look in the diet section for more info on a PWO(post workout) shake.**

    BCAA's pre and post are very good also. Afterall, they are the building blocks of protein
    Last edited by xlxBigSexyxlx; 01-07-2007 at 02:24 AM.

  3. #3
    MFT81's Avatar
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    I agree with big sexy

    I like to eat a small meal and a strong cup of coffee or espresso about 90 mins before training and then 20mins before I work out I take a serving and a half of BCAA with a small cup of gatorade.

    but yeah deff no more cardio before workout!

  4. #4
    stlhrse's Avatar
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    OK, couple of Q's

    I have no idea what this means "(I go 40 dextrose and 40 maltodextrins), " I'm slow

    andwhat are BCAA's? I did a search and can't seem to find anything explaining it.

    Also, for the protien, should I use whey protien or something? If I do, which brand do you like the best? I really appreciate the info. I know very little about diet, I've been reading alot on here.

  5. #5
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stlhrse
    OK, couple of Q's

    I have no idea what this means "(I go 40 dextrose and 40 maltodextrins), " I'm slow

    andwhat are BCAA's? I did a search and can't seem to find anything explaining it.

    Also, for the protien, should I use whey protien or something? If I do, which brand do you like the best? I really appreciate the info. I know very little about diet, I've been reading alot on here.

    I meant 40 grams of dextrose and 40 grmas of maltodextrins. Look for Cytosport Cytogainer. I use it after my workouts pretty often. for PWO, you want a carb to protein ratio of 2:1. and cytogainer does a pretty good job at that, even though its all complex carbs, most people say its a good thing.

    BCAA stands for Branched Chain Amino Acids. You can buy them in pill, powder, and I believe liquid form. I like the powder best cuz its easy to mix with a shake or water or whatever.

    for more info on BCAA's::

    Yes, whey protein. The top 2 brands I use, and are great reguardless are Cytosport Cytogainer and Optimum Nutrition's Pro Complex and ON's 100% Gold Whey Standard. The cytogainer already comes with carbs, so its great alone for a post workout shake. But with the other 2, its just good quality whey, so thats when you gotta add some kind of carb to it to make it into a PWO shake.

    hope this helps. feel free to keep on asking questions.


    Pro Complex:

    100% Gold Whey Standard:

    Heres a thread from the diet section on peoples different views on PWO shakes:: Your PWO shake

    There are different ways you can put together a shake, or even eat a meal which some do. Its just a matter of what you prefer and what works for you.
    Last edited by xlxBigSexyxlx; 01-07-2007 at 07:57 PM.

  6. #6
    stlhrse's Avatar
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    So if I get the cytogainer, It already has the right amounts of everything in it that you said I need? And would I just drink it before and after workouts? Then I need like 5g of BCAA before and after each workout also? Which brand of BCAA have you guys had the best experience with?

  7. #7
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stlhrse
    So if I get the cytogainer, It already has the right amounts of everything in it that you said I need? And would I just drink it before and after workouts? Then I need like 5g of BCAA before and after each workout also? Which brand of BCAA have you guys had the best experience with?

    I wouldn't take it before. Sometimes I just mix 3 scoops with water(taste just fine to me) for postworkout. But I also add in my creatine, BCAA's, and a little glutamine(which may not be needed)

    As far as BCAA's go, in my opinion, 5g right before, and 5g right after workouts is good. I use NOW brand BCAAs in powder form. you can get that at

    For before workouts I go with a workout booster, creatine, and BCAAs. By workout booster I mean something like NO Explode, Ergopharm AMP, NO Shotgun(from which I hear is amazing, Im about to get some).

    What are your goals? Anything inparticular your trying to go for?

  8. #8
    stlhrse's Avatar
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    I'm 6' 225, with a slight double chin and a gut. I want to lean down and build more muscle that is lean and hard. I'm not after losing weight in particular. I just want to lose the fat and get lean, and if I can build more muscle doing it, great. I also don't want to have a huge checklist of things to buy and take everyday. My schedule is way to busy for me to do that. I would like something simple that I can drink or eat before, and then maybe something else after workout. I eat oatmeal for breakfast and usually two lean pockets for lunch. I drink lots of water and exercise 3 times a week at minimum. That cytogainer looks very interesting to me because it has so many things in one place.


  9. #9
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stlhrse
    I'm 6' 225, with a slight double chin and a gut. I want to lean down and build more muscle that is lean and hard. I'm not after losing weight in particular. I just want to lose the fat and get lean, and if I can build more muscle doing it, great. I also don't want to have a huge checklist of things to buy and take everyday. My schedule is way to busy for me to do that. I would like something simple that I can drink or eat before, and then maybe something else after workout. I eat oatmeal for breakfast and usually two lean pockets for lunch. I drink lots of water and exercise 3 times a week at minimum. That cytogainer looks very interesting to me because it has so many things in one place.

    If you're looking to lean out, stay away from cytogainer

    It seems to me like you need to get your diet incheck b4 you go spending $$ on supplements (read "2 lean pockets")...hit up the diet forum and read read read...theres lots of helpful ppl there too so ask questions if need be!

  10. #10
    stlhrse's Avatar
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    Thanks Tank. I just ordered some clen and taurine. I want to build muscle mass and get rid of the fat. I just don't have alot of time at lunch so I eat those as kind of the least of all crap. What do you suggest for someone always on the go to do at lunch, some kind of meal replacement shake or something??


  11. #11
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stlhrse
    Thanks Tank. I just ordered some clen and taurine. I want to build muscle mass and get rid of the fat. I just don't have alot of time at lunch so I eat those as kind of the least of all crap. What do you suggest for someone always on the go to do at lunch, some kind of meal replacement shake or something??

    I would hold off on the clen least until you get your diet and training in check. As far as what to eat for lunch if you're always on the could always cook your food the night b4 and bring the food into work. I like to do allll my cooking for the week on sundays, so thats all I have to do is find a microwave to heat things up...and if theres no microwave around I'll just suck it up and eat it cold


  12. #12
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    yeah, for leaning out (cutting), cytogainer wouldnt be the best seeing how its packed with calories. Liek UpstateTank said, the #1 thing to cutting is diet and cardio. Do cardio (on empty stomach at 65% max heart rate for 45min-1 hour everyday). And as for diet, read up on the Cutting diet sticky up at the top of the diet section here:

    UNoffical "How to Cut" thread and sample diet...

    read that and make a diet of your own following that sample one. Then post it in the diet section and people will be happy to critique it for you and help you out.

  13. #13
    stlhrse's Avatar
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    Tank, why should I hld off on the clen ? Wouldn't it still help, even if my diet is not perfect yet? I ordered some last night.

  14. #14
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stlhrse
    Tank, why should I hld off on the clen ? Wouldn't it still help, even if my diet is not perfect yet? I ordered some last night.
    You just answered your own question. Perfect the diet first then worry about supplements later. If your diet is not in check the results you see are going to be minimal at best, hence running clen w/o a diet that is in check would be a waste of time and $$

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