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Thread: Hows this stack

  1. #1
    Nismo's Avatar
    Nismo is offline Member
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    Hows this stack

    okay I would like to see what you guys think of this stack.

    Myogenx (3 a day)

    Kre-Alkalyn (Its buffered creatine. 5 grams b4 workout 4 after)

    NO (some from Max Muscle brand) (4 Pills before wourkout)

    CLA (2 caps 3x a day)

    and of course protien

    I weigh 215 @12% BF. Height 6'0. Diet is good and workout is good as well. What do you guys think of this mess. Please be brutally honest. Gracias!
    Last edited by Nismo; 01-14-2007 at 10:54 AM.

  2. #2
    Nismo's Avatar
    Nismo is offline Member
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    BTW, I wouldnt need to do PCT after thaking the myogenx right? I know all you guys where saying that its some pretty strong stuff but I wouldnt really know. Any suggestions?? Or any anit-estrogens while I'm on it??? Nolva maybe??

  3. #3
    K.Biz's Avatar
    K.Biz is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nismo
    okay I would like to see what you guys think of this stack.

    Myogenx (3 a day)

    Kre-Alkalyn (Its buffered creatine. 5 grams b4 workout 4 after)

    NO (some from Max Muscle brand) (4 Pills before wourkout)

    CLA (2 caps 3x a day)
    and of course protien

    I weigh 215 @12% BF. Height 6'0. Diet is good and workout is good as well. What do you guys think of this mess. Please be brutally honest. Gracias!

    doesnt look like anything out of the ordinary bro. try it out, let us know how it goes. do u have all that stuff already or do u plan on ordering it? cause if i were u i might change some of the things ur gonna take unkless u have already purchased all those items

    Quote Originally Posted by Nismo
    BTW, I wouldnt need to do PCT after thaking the myogenx right? I know all you guys where saying that its some pretty strong stuff but I wouldnt really know. Any suggestions?? Or any anit-estrogens while I'm on it??? Nolva maybe??
    no PCT needed for myogenx buddy. myogenx is mainly used for a PCT. its just gonna help you bump your test up a good amount, which is always a great thing

  4. #4
    Nismo's Avatar
    Nismo is offline Member
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    Nov 2005
    I already have everything in stock. Well except for the Myogenx, thats on its way. What do you think should be changed???

    I'm glad I don't need any time of PCT though. Thanks a lot for the info man.

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