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  1. #1
    oc pitbull is offline Member
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    Question regarding ephedra

    when you stop taking it does your fat come back? the reason i ask, i key word here "had" friends who use to take speed, then stopped and gained a million pounds. Does ephedra have the same effect? Also whats the best you sugggest?

  2. #2
    sonar1234's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oc pitbull
    when you stop taking it does your fat come back? the reason i ask, i key word here "had" friends who use to take speed, then stopped and gained a million pounds. Does ephedra have the same effect? Also whats the best you sugggest?

    I dont wanna burst your bubble but there is no magic pill, last year i weighted 212 pounds and had a 36 inch waistline, i decided to do something about it, i have back pain so i cant really train like i used too.

    Off i went and bought myself an ephedrine, cafeine and aspirin stack, mixed everything togheter and took twice a day, with this i did an hour of cardio in the morning and on top of everything i did a low carb diet, with some carb ups during the weekend.

    End results where great i was down to 184 pounds and my waiste was 33 inches.

    You cant stay on low carb all the time, you cant stay on ephedrine or ephera which is the same thing all the time.

    I am now back to 224 pounds with a 40 inch waiste.

    Fact of the matter is ephedrine will do wonders for your weightloss, it will cut appetit, sugar cravings and more but when you stop taking it be sure that your eating habits have changed cause you are gonna gain the weight back and even more.

  3. #3
    KAEW44's Avatar
    KAEW44 is offline Senior Member
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    First you must understand the mechanics of fat!
    Fat cells do not dissapear! You dont Burn Fat! Fat doesnt turn into muscle! And muscle doesnt turn into Fat!

    So with that in mind this is what the story of fat is in simple terms, fat cells are like little balloons, they can store lots of energy, when your food intake is more than your bodies work output i.e when you eat alot and dont move enough, then the excess energy from food is converted to fat which is your body's own storage format, and it is stored in your fat cells. The longer you stay in the habit of eating more than you can work-off, then the bigger these cells will get because you are storing more and more energy in the form of fat.
    Its nto just eating fats but eating carbs also, if you dont use the energy then it will be turned and stored as fat, and your fat cells will grow larger!

    By using fat burners like ephedra and many others they have many effects on your body depending on the type of substance, they can raise your body temperature, increase your heart rate, stimulate your thyroid gland, all of these things causing your body to need to use more energy to do the normal everyday things you do. Taking ephedra and doing cardio will cause you to lose more energy than cardio alone! Hence more fat released from the cells and used as energy, Hence a reduction in the size of fat cells.....HENCE the fake sense of having "Burned" the fat off!!
    As soon as you come off ephedra/ephedrine then your body will be in a crash mode, your metabolism slower, so you will put back all the fat because your body will not be able to release that energy at the same rate as it did when you were on the substance.

    SO yes the weight will come back on, and it could be bad for you phsycologically because it will be fat-quickly gone, then fat quickly comes back. Thats why pro's recomend gradual increase in excercise and improvement in diet as opposed to using a magic pill. The results will be slower but ofcourse they will be more keepable and harder to get off track and regain the weight again.

    The only way to permanently or actually semi-permanently remove fat is by liposuction. That method physically removes fat cells.

  4. #4
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    The only reason it would come back is because they revert back to eating a bucket load of crap and not excercising. It may be even more dramatic if they have been supressing there appetite with stimulants.
    Please edit rec drug reference out of post. Thanks.

  5. #5
    sonar1234's Avatar
    sonar1234 is offline Banned
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    KAEW44 proper use of fat burners and ephedra can remove the fat permenatly like Perfectbeast2001 says you gotta keep your diet straight afterwards.

    Me its all because of back pain coming back, you cant stay on ephedrine all the time but it can surely help people out.

    Thoses on low carb diet looking to hit ketosis faster and controlling sugar and appetit have huge benefits from ephedrine.

    But a change in eating habits has to follow.

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