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Thread: OTC Profiles

  1. #1
    willBbig1day is offline Junior Member
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    the south

    Exclamation OTC Profiles

    I have noticed alot of topics about designer/prohormones on this board. such as oxodrol 12, S-drol, H-drol, 17 methyl Vol, methyl XT, methyl Bol, Phera vol, Phera Plex, Methoxy TST, Mega TRN, Mega Zol.
    1. Information such as chemical make-up, which ones are the same but with different names?
    2. Which brands are the best?
    3. What different chemical make ups/ OTC name do what for you?
    NO need to mention PCT and needed supps. that info. is pretty easy to find.

    If someone knows alot about this topic it would be great if they would make it a sticky because there are just so many posts out there with different information. Or better yet if they could make a profile page like for the steroids . I know this is a lot to ask of anyone, so good look and thanks in advance. If someone could put this together it would be great for the whole board because there would less topics asking the same questions and everyone would have correct answers.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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  3. #3
    willBbig1day is offline Junior Member
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    Thats a great read but, that was written back in 2004. There has been lots of new products to come out since then with lots of new knowledge.

  4. #4
    willBbig1day is offline Junior Member
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  5. #5
    number twelve's Avatar
    number twelve is offline All Natty...Kinda~Winning Member Transformation Contest!
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    all the supps you mentioned are popular and they have their own pros/cons. that thread that anthony roberts posted is a good read and i based a lot of my decisions off of it and the other threads in this forum.
    i am about to run oxodrol-12 (SD) with clomid and liquidex for pct.

    good luck with your decision brother. is this gonnabe your first cycle?

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