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  1. #1
    JuliasDad's Avatar
    JuliasDad is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    six start muscle fuel??

    im looking for a cheap but good protien. i picked up some six star muscle fuel today from walmart, 15$ for 27 servings. any of u guys use this and if so what do u think of it? if u havent used it have u heard anything good about it?

    i know there are some good deals on the internet but im the type of person that just likes to go to the store and get things when i need it. other then GNC which we all know is a ripoff, walmart is pretty much my only option around here

  2. #2
    SuperLift's Avatar
    SuperLift is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    protein is protein, I personally perfer ON's. I pick up 5lbs for 30 bucks at vitamin shoppe

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