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Thread: M1T + SD stack?

  1. #1
    webnetxpress is offline New Member
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    M1T + SD stack?

    OK, I've run 2 SD cycles over the past 18 months. Had great results from both. Now I have some M1T as well as my normal SD supply. So, I was planning on running a 3 week cycle of M1T starting Feb. Would there be any sense in stacking SD after the M1T cycle? Like 3 weeks of M1T then jump to the SD? or should I just do a 3 week cycle then my normal PCT and time off and then do a SD cycle?

  2. #2
    rar1015's Avatar
    rar1015 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by webnetxpress
    OK, I've run 2 SD cycles over the past 18 months. Had great results from both. Now I have some M1T as well as my normal SD supply. So, I was planning on running a 3 week cycle of M1T starting Feb. Would there be any sense in stacking SD after the M1T cycle? Like 3 weeks of M1T then jump to the SD? or should I just do a 3 week cycle then my normal PCT and time off and then do a SD cycle?
    Bad idea. I wouldnt do it man, the both are very harsh on the liver and if you do that im sure other negative side effects will appear. If you're using m1t just do the 3 week cycle with proper pct, dont stact the two.

  3. #3
    K.Biz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rar1015
    Bad idea. I wouldnt do it man, the both are very harsh on the liver and if you do that im sure other negative side effects will appear. If you're using m1t just do the 3 week cycle with proper pct, dont stact the two.
    yup. rar1015 hit it right on the money. never a good idea to stack to orals.

  4. #4
    Schmidty's Avatar
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    I think if you did it for a month you would be ok, just make sure you got a good pct ready. People on this forum think a little bit of stress on the liver will fvckin kill you and it wont. And make sure you get blood work done before aduring and after you cycle. If your liver values are way up cycle off.

  5. #5
    Schmidty's Avatar
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    BTW Your gona have some killer back-pumps to

  6. #6
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by webnetxpress
    OK, I've run 2 SD cycles over the past 18 months. Had great results from both. Now I have some M1T as well as my normal SD supply. So, I was planning on running a 3 week cycle of M1T starting Feb. Would there be any sense in stacking SD after the M1T cycle? Like 3 weeks of M1T then jump to the SD? or should I just do a 3 week cycle then my normal PCT and time off and then do a SD cycle?
    NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!

    Both are extremely harsh orals, w/ m1t being the "king" of harshness

    M1T + SD combined---><-----Your internals...bye bye!!!!!

    Do it like you have lined out in your last sentences...cycle time + pct time = time off

  7. #7
    rar1015's Avatar
    rar1015 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schmidty
    I think if you did it for a month you would be ok, just make sure you got a good pct ready. People on this forum think a little bit of stress on the liver will fvckin kill you and it wont. And make sure you get blood work done before aduring and after you cycle. If your liver values are way up cycle off.
    Thats just not good advice right there. How can you tell someone its ok to stack m1t and sd??

  8. #8
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schmidty
    I think if you did it for a month you would be ok, just make sure you got a good pct ready. People on this forum think a little bit of stress on the liver will fvckin kill you and it wont. And make sure you get blood work done before aduring and after you cycle. If your liver values are way up cycle off.
    orals do a lot more than just stress the liver...kidneys, bloodpressure, cholesterol etc.

  9. #9
    K.Biz's Avatar
    K.Biz is offline Banned
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    where can you get m1t?

  10. #10
    Primalinstinct's Avatar
    Primalinstinct is offline Associate Member
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    Don't do it.

  11. #11
    Schmidty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UpstateTank
    orals do a lot more than just stress the liver...kidneys, bloodpressure, cholesterol etc.
    True oveer a long period of time I could see some really bad coming from this. But a month come on. Eveyone talks about the guy that used 2 methly compounds and his liver went to shit. Then you show me were he is.

  12. #12
    BITTAPART2's Avatar
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    anywhere my son lives
    ^^^cant show you a dead person, id have to dig up a grave, not gonna do that.

    bro not wise or safe giving this advice, best thing to do if you dont have clinical evidence supporting your statement, is to err on the side of safety. I would feel horrible if my advise led someone down the wrong path and theere health be comprimised.

  13. #13
    BITTAPART2's Avatar
    BITTAPART2 is offline Senior Member
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    anywhere my son lives
    my god i cant spell today

  14. #14
    UpstateTank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schmidty
    True oveer a long period of time I could see some really bad coming from this. But a month come on. Eveyone talks about the guy that used 2 methly compounds and his liver went to shit. Then you show me were he is.
    Id rather play it safe than be sorry in the end, but thats just me

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