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Thread: flaxseed doses

  1. #1
    thegame01's Avatar
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    flaxseed doses

    hey, i will be using flax oil soon and know the doses as i hjave read up on it but couldn't find the doses for flax seeds (finely ground) .My mom wants to start taking it .She cant drink the oil.

    thanks for the help

  2. #2
    Buddha_Red's Avatar
    Buddha_Red is offline Senior Member
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    Im not sure about ground seed

    I personally put mine in some sugar free lemonade, in some powerade or in my shake.
    I cant drink the oil straight either.

    BUMP for those that know

  3. #3
    thegame01's Avatar
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    hey guy's never mind i found it but figured i would post it in case someone else is intersted.

    Dosage Information

    Special tips:

    --Liquid flaxseed oil is the easiest form to use, although it must be kept refrigerated.

    --Capsules containing flaxseed oil are convenient for traveling, but can be quite expensive in comparison to the liquid form. Also, a large number of capsules--approximately 14 containing 1,000 mg of oil each--are needed to get the equivalent of 1 tablespoon of oil.

    --If using ground flaxseeds, just add 1 or 2 tablespoons of to an 8-ounce glass of water and mix.

  4. #4
    firedup's Avatar
    firedup is offline Junior Member
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    i have to find some of those seeds cuz that oil is really fuckin with me.
    makes me wanna puke all the time.

  5. #5
    adamar71's Avatar
    adamar71 is offline New Member
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    i bought the flax/borage oil and put it in my protein shake in the a.m., it is supposed to be better than the flax oil by itself. it's called the "omega twin". i posted a message about it if you all want any info about it. happy reading.

  6. #6
    thegame01's Avatar
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    ya that was a good read adamar ,thanks .
    If your looking for seeds firedup ,we got them in a fruit market for i beleive .99C a pound.Get a little cofee grinder and make sure they are finely grounded. The seeds not grounded could perforate your intestinal walls if certain doses are taken.

  7. #7
    chinups Guest
    is a tablespoon good with protein shake

  8. #8
    thegame01's Avatar
    thegame01 is offline Member
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    hey chinups what do you mean .does it taste ok ?
    or are u simply asking if you can put it in with the shake?
    ya you can take it with the shake and it doesnt taste that bad
    the oils leaves a taste a little more .The ground seeds leave no taste whatsoever.

    hope i answered your question

  9. #9
    Traps1125's Avatar
    Traps1125 is offline Banned
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    dont mix the flax seed with a protein shake espically after a workout...after a workout within the 3hrs after lifting you dont want to consume any fat or fiber..also flax seed meal is the better of the two (oil and meal) i suggest you add some to some uncooked oats, water, aspartame and raisans 2-3 times a day and get around 20g of flax meal total per day.

  10. #10
    babi is offline Associate Member
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    can youn taste it in your protein shake though?

  11. #11
    Vegas Kid's Avatar
    Vegas Kid is offline Senior Member
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    2-3 g of flaxseed oil a day in pill form. 1 in the morn with breakfast, 1 at night with dinner. Can buy at Wallyworld for $5.

  12. #12
    chinups Guest
    I take with shake. Only thing is the blender smells like that shit if you don't wash it. Weird cause my shake doesn't smell like it or taste it.

  13. #13
    chinups Guest
    well wash it good I mean

  14. #14
    babi is offline Associate Member
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    true i dont taste it in my shake either

  15. #15
    Buddha_Red's Avatar
    Buddha_Red is offline Senior Member
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    I dont seem to get the same results from pills as i do the cold pressed flaxseed.

    maybe its just me but i would MUCH rather drink a tablespoon than take 15-20 pills every day along with my regular supplements and vitamins.

    BUMP for more opinions on this

  16. #16
    Sigmund Froid is offline Associate Member
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    Tastes terrible straight. Mixed in a shake, I think it enhances the flavor.

  17. #17
    Socio's Avatar
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    It has a awful texture but beautiful taste it makes shakes thicker and nicer but as TRAPS1125 said dont mix after workout as adding a fat to protein slows gastric emptying and slows absorption..... i add 2 tablespoons to my morning shake and evening shake ..... basically every shake apart from my post training.... there is no determined dose , you really cant have too much its not absorbed the same as regular fats just make sure its away from light and in your fridge as light and heat cause oxidation ..... tests have actually showed that more than 3 table spoons ED helps reduce bodyfat (Fats that Heal, Fats that Kill) i understand this is because Omega 3- fatty acids increases Insulin Sensitivity in the muscle cell. Ive had as much as 9 tablespoons ED before no adverse effects (this on low carbs) except fantastic energy and great skin!
    (i should be the flax seed poster boy!)

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