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  1. #1
    ripped_82's Avatar
    ripped_82 is offline Member
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    Everything you wanted to know about baldness and how to prevent it. LONG POST

    As some of you already know i consider myself to be somewhat of an expert on natural healing. I have been studying homeopathy for 3yrs now and i am here to answer any question all of you may have in regards to preventative measures, and heling methods. Recently i have been receving a few PM's in regards to hair loss, and prevention so here comes a long post on everthing i know to do with this subject. If any of you have questions regarding natural healing/preventative measures feel free to PM me and i will answer your question the best that i can. I will also share it with the board so that everyone can see, but leave your name out of it. Well here we go.

    Baldness or loss of hair is referred to as "alopecia". "Alopecia totalis" means loss of all the scalp hair. "Alopecia universalis" means loss of all body hair. If hair falls out in patches, it is termed "alopecia areata". The condition is usually temporary and rarely leads to baldness. Factors that increase hair loss are heredity, hormones, and aging. Researches have yet to determine the exact cause of hair loss, but many scientists believe that our immune system mistakes hair follicles as foreign tissue and attacks them. Manu suspect genetic components.
    A less dramatic, but more common type of hair loss is "androgenetic alopecia" (AGA)/male pattern baldness. AGA is very common in men. A genetic or hereditary predisposition to the dissorder and the presence of androgens/male sex hormones are involved in this condition(AAS). Research indicates that the hair follicles of individual are at risk to AGA may have receptors programmed to slow down or shut down hair production under the influence of andrigens.
    A species of tiny mites, "Demodex follicularum", may be the cause of/culprit to balding. These mites are present in all hair follicles by the time a person reaches middle age, and in ,most cases cause no harm. Many researches believe that baldness in people may lie in how the scalp reacts to these mites. If the body initiates the inflammatory response as it tries to reject the mites, this may close down the hair follicles, thus killing the mites, and aslo killing the hair.
    In addition to heredity, factors that promote hair loss include poor circulation, acute illness, surgery, radiation exposure, skin disease, sudden weight loss, high fever, iron deficiency, diabetes, thyroid disease, drugs such as those used in chemotherapy, stress, poor diet, ringworm and other fungal infections, hair dyes, and vitamin dificiencies.

    Supplements which are a must to prevent hair loss startin with most inportant:

    1)Essential Fatty Acids: improves texture, prevents dry, brittle hair

    2)Raw thymus grandualr: 500mg/day
    Stimulates immune function and improves functioning capacity of glands.(DO NOT give to children)

    3)Vit B complex: important for health and groth of hair.
    Vit B3(niacin) and B5: 50mg 3X daily
    biotin: 300mcg daily. Deficiencies have been linked to skin dissorders and hair loss.

    4)Vit C w/bioflavanoids: 3000-10,000 mg/daily. Aids in scalp circulation. Helps with the antioxidant action in hair follicles.

    5)Vit E 400-800 iu's daily. Increases oxygen uptake, which improves circulation to scalp. Use natural vit E. Take with EFA's to help absorb vit E since it is fat soluable.

    6)Zinc 50-100mg/daily(DO NOT exceed this amount)

    I am not going to mention perscription medication for hair loss since there are plenty of posts about them, i only wanted to mention natural methods. There are also herbs such as:

    Ginko biloba: improves circulation to the sclap. Also used as memory inhancer

    Apple cider viniger: good for hair growth and kidneys

    Horsetali/silica: necessary for strong healthy hair

    Green tea, pygeum, and saw palmetto may aid in reducing hair loss.

    Tea Tree oil combats bacteria and mites that may cause hair loss.

    Keep in mind that Herbal products should not be used more then 3 months, except for ginko as your body adapts to them and thus become inaffective.

  2. #2
    ripped_82's Avatar
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    Eating a diet that is high in fruits and vegetables and low in starch may slow down hair loss. Fruits and vegetables contain Antioxidants thats provide protection for the hair follicles and promote hair growth.

    Soy foods inhibit the formation of dihydrotestosterone

    Raw eggs are high in avidin, a protein that binds biotin and prevents it from being absorbed.

    Lie head down on a slant board 15min/day to allow the blood to reach your scalp. Massage it daily

    Use shampoos and conditioners that contain biotin and silica. Aloe ver gel, vit E&C, and jajoba oils are also good for the hair. Conditioners with chamomile, marigold, ginsing keep hair healthy.

    Hair is fragile when it is wet. Gently pat your hair dry and squeeze out remaining moisture with a towel

    Do not comb your hair until it is dry since wet hair tends to break off. Do not blow dry.

    Avoid "crash" diets. Also do not neglect any food groups.

    It is normal lto loose 50-100 airs/day

    Hope this helps

  3. #3
    physio_sport is offline Banned
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    excellent post.
    my hair where getting pretty thin, they used to be very long almost down to my shoulders. then after seeing alot of people here with shaved heads i said screw it and shaved it.
    i have shaved them 11 times now with a double blade razor and they have become really thick. but also am going to try what you said and hopefully i wont get thin hair ever again.

    and another thing where can i get Raw thymus grandualr.

    thanks bro.

  4. #4
    ripped_82's Avatar
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    Originally posted by physio_sport
    excellent post.
    and another thing where can i get Raw thymus grandualr.
    thanks bro.
    Well you can get it from "real" natural health stores. I dont mean GNC, i mean the ones where you get all the herbal stuff in its true form. Worst case scenarion GNC does carry it, but in pills.

  5. #5
    ari is offline Female Member
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    Thank you! a great post. I have alopecia areata. What can I do about it? There are shampoos and treatment gels with thymus grandualr, will they work? My father gets alopecia areata too, so it must be heredity? We both have strong bodies and weak hair.
    I'm 48 and I'm on HGH low dozes at the moment, if I increase it will it help? If I start Anavar cycle will it make my condition worse?
    Thank you again.

  6. #6
    ripped_82's Avatar
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    I would suggest that you follow what i stated above. Everything there i mentioned is to help prevent/slow the loss of hair. I personaly find that shampoos also play a huge difference, go to GNC, they have a wide selection of natural shampoos and conditioners that are PH balanced. You also stated that you are on low doses of HGH. This will help greatly, and it would not be a bad idea if you up the dose if it has not stopped your loss of hair.

  7. #7
    Vice's Avatar
    Vice is offline Associate Member
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    Excellent post bro, Thanks

  8. #8
    pumkinhead is offline New Member
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    hair loss

    Thanks for the post, it does agree with what I've learning about hair loss. I'm 52, and my hair is thinning, so I'm trying this product from Life Extension called Dr. Proctors Hair Regrowth Formula.
    It's says it take 3 or 4 months to see any diff. I've been using it for 2 months and I've noticed little hairs growing back where I've got the thinning thing going on. ( I had to put my reading glasses on to see). I'll let you know if things improve.
    It sounds like a good product, the SOD, and all the rest.
    Does Nixoral really work? It's says it's for dandruff?
    I do all the other things you mention as far as diet and supplementation, except for the thymus, which I may try, if I can afford it.

  9. #9
    Commander_Bash's Avatar
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    do any of these supplements help with receding hair line??? im not losing hair its just that my hairline is receding and my hair is thinning on my hairline... it sucks big time ....

  10. #10
    pumkinhead is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Commander_Bash
    do any of these supplements help with receding hair line??? im not losing hair its just that my hairline is receding and my hair is thinning on my hairline... it sucks big time ....
    I have the same thing, thinning and receding hairline. Like I said, little hairs are growing back, but it's still to soon to tell. I called Life Extension Foundation, and they said their product was effective, effacious. If you read obout the causes of hair loss, it seems to take a long time to get that way, so I figure it'll take some time to halt the process and turn it around.
    I have 2 more months to go.
    Good Luck

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