Ok my background is a year out of the gym and just now starting back. I am
6'3. Last year I wieghed 235 at 13% bf. At this time I am around 255lb and just guessing I would say about 20% body fat. Yes holy shit I am a fat ass and I have let myself down. I have some experience with gear. What I am trying to do hear is put on huge size and strength gains but lose lots of fat in the process. Is it possible to taking a bulking stack but eat to cut? Should I just worry about puting on muscle for the winter and than cut later? I will read more of the diet and workout forums but and direct advice you can give to me would be helpful.

Workout routine, diet, gear. anything that might help. Also I work monday through friday 8am to 7-8pm so my workout routine would have to work around that.

P.S. I was only working 7 hours a day 5 days a week and I was single before.

Thats how I got from 295lbs and 25% body fat down to 235lbs and 13%bf. Just need a little help I dont want to let myself get that bad again. Im stopping myself right now and getting started on the right track.