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  1. #1
    boxer08's Avatar
    boxer08 is offline Senior Member
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    vetable vs fish oil

    Which one do you think is the best to use the ***** 3, 6 and 9 extracted from vegtable oils or fish oils. I was thinking of using the one from vegtable oils becase of the mecuary in the fish oils, i know it aint that much of a problem but...
    Last edited by boxer08; 01-08-2008 at 02:28 PM.

  2. #2
    boxer08's Avatar
    boxer08 is offline Senior Member
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    bump..why has it blanked out the *****

  3. #3
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
    xlxBigSexyxlx is offline CHEMICALLY ENGINEERED
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    no veggie oil...eeeww

    take fish oil pills, and eat fish
    put flaxseed oil in yr shakes, do not cook with it
    and cook with extra virgin olive oil

  4. #4
    boxer08's Avatar
    boxer08 is offline Senior Member
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    Id rather take fish oil liquid, i find its more effective. What flax oil do you put in your shakes the one that your suppose to cook with.

  5. #5
    TR'05's Avatar
    TR'05 is offline Member
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    Fish oil receives so much attention and is recommended so frequently due to the presence of the particular ***** 3 fatty acids, EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) & DHA (docosahexaenoic acid).

    Flax oil should not be used for cooking, as it becomes unstable as its temperature increases- olive oil is ideal for cooking.

    To add to shakes, any liquid flax oil will do.

    To balance ***** 3-6-9s, you will have to use a variety of different oils/foods.

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