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  1. #1
    TheTroglodyte is offline New Member
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    Oct 2002

    Restoring hormone levels

    I know this is kind of an odd question but I hope that someone will have some info on this. I took propecia for 2 months and noticed a severe loss in libido and sperm count. I know that propecia raises testosterone levels as well as estrogen and I am assuming it is the raise in estrogen that has caused the side effects. I've been off for about 1 week now and I seem to be returning to normal however I was wondering if there was anything I could take like Clomid to speed up the process? I've heard that it has taken some people as long as 6 months to return to fully normal so any advice is welcome.

  2. #2
    arthurb999's Avatar
    arthurb999 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Aug 2001

    If you think it is the high estrogen, then an anti-e should do the trick... clomid, novla, etc. I don't think you really need that stuff though. Try some tribilius @ 1000 mg a day for a few weeks.

  3. #3
    tryingtogain is offline Member
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    May 2002
    what about over the counter stuff if u cant get the black market stuff

  4. #4
    arthurb999's Avatar
    arthurb999 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Aug 2001
    Tribilius is over the counter. Maybe ZMA too

  5. #5
    ciao is offline New Member
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    Oct 2002

    Hormone Regulation

    If you want to restore hormone regulation, you need to take Essential fatty acids, note the essential and if you are not supplimenting them you are probally deficent.... you need to take the full spectrum of efa for hormone req, 3,6,9 to get the full spec you would need to take sups like....

    cold-pressed flax oil
    evening primrose oil
    borage oil

    But you would also need to take co-factors eg..Lecithin &
    Zinc without these, hormone regulation would not happen, these are the catalyst and nothing would happen without these. Efa will also help with liver function, acne, dirty blood..etc etc etc.


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