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Thread: 2perdrol sides?

  1. #1
    JuliasDad's Avatar
    JuliasDad is offline Associate Member
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    2perdrol sides?

    i just hit my 3rd week with this product, im taking 3 a day for 30 days. strength is up a bit and my fiance keeps telling me im looking alot thicker through my shoulders and back.

    anyways, well see how the last 2 weeks go. my question is are there any side effects. im not one of those people that takes something and thinks hes having rage and all this crazy stuff i read about but it does seem like since ive started this my stomach has been bothering me a bit, headaches, im a little out of it energy wise and im having some crazy dreams at night and normally i sleep through the night fine but i have been waking up 1-2 times a night before my alarm.

    i was really looking forward to this stuff but now i cant wait to be done. i do have a weak stomach anyways and im not sure if all these things im experiencing are from the 2perdrol but if any of u have had sides or any suggestions for me that would be great.

    im taking my multi, glutamine, fish oil like always and with the 2perdrol i started taking milk thistle, niacin and hawthorn berry.

  2. #2
    No One Knows's Avatar
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    30mg is a high dose for a 1st time user, but not unreasonable imo..

    I wouldn't drop the dose since you started day 1 at 30mg/day. If it were me I would have started the 1st 2 or 3 days at 10mg. Then bumped up to 20, and finally 30mg if need be.

    Shoot for 21 days. Most users report that the 4th week is all sides/no gains with superdrol anyway. 3 weeks should be good.

  3. #3
    number twelve's Avatar
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    lethargy is a commin side. in addition to increase in acne and back pumps

  4. #4
    rager's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JuliasDad View Post
    i just hit my 3rd week with this product, im taking 3 a day for 30 days. strength is up a bit and my fiance keeps telling me im looking alot thicker through my shoulders and back.

    anyways, well see how the last 2 weeks go. my question is are there any side effects. im not one of those people that takes something and thinks hes having rage and all this crazy stuff i read about but it does seem like since ive started this my stomach has been bothering me a bit, headaches, im a little out of it energy wise and im having some crazy dreams at night and normally i sleep through the night fine but i have been waking up 1-2 times a night before my alarm.

    i was really looking forward to this stuff but now i cant wait to be done. i do have a weak stomach anyways and im not sure if all these things im experiencing are from the 2perdrol but if any of u have had sides or any suggestions for me that would be great.

    im taking my multi, glutamine, fish oil like always and with the 2perdrol i started taking milk thistle, niacin and hawthorn berry.
    Aside from the sides " no Pun intended " do you think you have added size and strength using this product? I have been debating for days to add this product to a test base I am on now. This lethargy side sounds no good to me, let alone stomach problems, headaches etc. I am still waiting for anyone out there to definetively say this product really produces solid results. Anyone? Seems to me your sides must be from 2perdrol and not the other supps you are taking !!!

  5. #5
    JuliasDad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by No One Knows View Post
    30mg is a high dose for a 1st time user, but not unreasonable imo..

    I wouldn't drop the dose since you started day 1 at 30mg/day. If it were me I would have started the 1st 2 or 3 days at 10mg. Then bumped up to 20, and finally 30mg if need be.

    Shoot for 21 days. Most users report that the 4th week is all sides/no gains with superdrol anyway. 3 weeks should be good.

    thanks for the input guys. i just did the math and if i stop at 3 weeks which would actually be this sunday that would leave me enough pills to be able to do 2 a day for 2 weeks. im now conisidering stopping at 3 weeks instead of 4 after looking into it a bit more tonight. i have 2 bottles of Methyl1D i was saving to try this summer. would stacking the 2perdrol with the Methyl1D be a good stack and safe?? if so how should i do it and for how long with what i have? thanks again for any help.
    Last edited by JuliasDad; 04-03-2008 at 06:46 AM.

  6. #6
    ZTEM is offline Associate Member
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    2 pills a day probably wont be very effective the next time around if your body was accustomed to 30 mg a day already

  7. #7
    JuliasDad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZTEM View Post
    2 pills a day probably wont be very effective the next time around if your body was accustomed to 30 mg a day already
    i know, i kind of regret not starting with 2 now. ive done real gear in my early 20's and did superdrol twice last year so i figured i would need the 3 a day but i should have started lower since its been a while.

    im going to stop this weekend and that will be 3 weeks, do u guys have any suggestions in how i can incorporate the rest of my 2perdrol with the methyl1D? i have 2 bottles of that and ill have around 30 2perdrol pills left. ill defonitly take a month or 2 off before i do this next stack. should i even throw the 2perdrol in with that or is that not a good idea?

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    ZTEM is offline Associate Member
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    good luck bro, keep working hard, and DONT forget PCT

  9. #9
    No One Knows's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JuliasDad View Post
    i know, i kind of regret not starting with 2 now. ive done real gear in my early 20's and did superdrol twice last year so i figured i would need the 3 a day but i should have started lower since its been a while.

    im going to stop this weekend and that will be 3 weeks, do u guys have any suggestions in how i can incorporate the rest of my 2perdrol with the methyl1D? i have 2 bottles of that and ill have around 30 2perdrol pills left. ill defonitly take a month or 2 off before i do this next stack. should i even throw the 2perdrol in with that or is that not a good idea?
    Im not sue what methyl-1-d i but since it has methyl in the same its probably not a good idea to stack with superdrol. Look for something like propadrol if you want to stack with superdrol

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