ok a little background. i am a "former" steroid user. did 4-5 cycles of mainly test based 10 week cycles from 2002-2004. typical patterns of add 30 lbs, lose 15. add 20 more lose 10. in fact when i started out i was 203lb. my biggest was a bloated 242. after other things took priority and a few years later went by where i still train 3-4 days a week year round i am between 212-220lb.the smoke has cleared and i am not going that route anymore. i DO NOT want to have to take something, climb 5 steps, take something else to try to stay there, then ultimately end up taking 2 steps. in other words i no longer feel the reward which is beyoind difficult to maintain, is worth the potential risks associated with the use. i speak mainly of mental issues as i suffer from muscle dysmorphia terribly. so i am all about small gains that i can keep as opposed to bigger short term gains that i have to lose. i am fed up with the emotional and physical roller coaster of steroids . i prefer subtle permannet results over 3 steps quickly, then 2 steps back with baggy shirts. so my current and baseline stats after all the cycles and use are

30 y/o

bench- gave it up but probably 350 good day
squat- same as bench but probably 405 good day
dumbell curls- 90's for 2, 75's for 6- solid form
barbell curls- 135-15, 165-6, 185-3, 200-1
push press- 185-8, 205,5, 225-2-3
deadlift- 465 max
chest dumbells incline- 90-10,100-8, 120-6

i have a solid combination of beach and power build but not great in either area. i can go power routine but i get bored . if i go a beach routine, like one bodypart per day i seem to overtrain and platue quickly. i mix things up a lot with me routine. however, this is where i need help. supplements! my staples are and have been the following;

optimum natural whey protein(with bcaas and glutamine)
creatine 1-2 cycles per year

my daily diet is usually
protein 250g

thats it! i want to try something new. i know some will say eat more food, bro! up your protein. ive tried it. and my body and genetics are tapped. i achieve nothing beyond 250-300g of protein per day and i feel is a waste and nonsense. your body uses what it wants and giving it more isnt solving my muscle building problem. if protein was all we needed then the supplement market could stop with whey and casien. i just need something fresh. i do not like taking multiple majors, such as no2 and test booster at the same time, because how can you effectively evaluate one when there is 2? so after extensive research i have narrowed it down to the following. also please throw in anything else you have in mind. MY GOAL IS SIZE OVER STRENGTH. WATER RETENTION IS OK as i dont plan on competetive bodybuilding. vascularity is 2nd to size. having muscle dysmorphia leaves you seeking size. especially this time of year. i would love something that would jack me up a bit for this summer. but again i hate pct's like clomid and nolva and all that. and to tell you the truth i can hardly tell the difference between roids, pro homrones, clones and pro hormone clones. its getting crazy! so help me out!

1) myogenx only(assuming there is no pct required)
3) halodrol(gaspari)
4) Gakic(muscletech)
6)DHEA only
7)testojak(long jak)
8)testofreak(collosal labs)
