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  1. #1
    hideout is offline New Member
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    Apr 2008

    Another fatburner topic(sorry)

    Where i live they used to sell stack 2/el tigre for like some months ago, both products had like 40mg ephedrin. The good things with those two types was they had a good fatburning effect, you got ALOT of energy, if u just slept 3hours before job two of those really saved you. They even was good to take when out drinking. But now theyve banned em, After that weve tried to buy to different stacks, "ultimate burner" and "stacker original", dont really recall the supliments, but like 10-12mahuang. And they was seriously so bad we didnt bother use them.

    Do thet still sell ECA-stack? no point if it isnt 25mg+ ephedrin.
    I was reading about Nutrex Lipo 6, and it sounded real nice, winning awards and stuff, but then i read at this forum that it sucked? Whats important for us is ofcourse the fatburning part, but you gotta get that extra energi, not being tired,almost wanting to be active. People will just not give it a try if they dont feel anything while eating them, even if they was a good fatburn. Then i read about this product Meltdown that should be good, so im thinking one of those two. Who of them will give you the most "rush", and "energi" while being fatburning? And can these burners be as good as the one we had before? 40mg ephedrin, alot of caffin and aspirin..

    I hope some got some inputs, thanks!

  2. #2
    wukillabee's Avatar
    wukillabee is offline Senior Member
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    Dont Trip
    Quote Originally Posted by hideout View Post
    Where i live they used to sell stack 2/el tigre for like some months ago, both products had like 40mg ephedrin. The good things with those two types was they had a good fatburning effect, you got ALOT of energy, if u just slept 3hours before job two of those really saved you. They even was good to take when out drinking. But now theyve banned em, After that weve tried to buy to different stacks, "ultimate burner" and "stacker original", dont really recall the supliments, but like 10-12mahuang. And they was seriously so bad we didnt bother use them.

    Do thet still sell ECA-stack? no point if it isnt 25mg+ ephedrin.
    I was reading about Nutrex Lipo 6, and it sounded real nice, winning awards and stuff, but then i read at this forum that it sucked? Whats important for us is ofcourse the fatburning part, but you gotta get that extra energi, not being tired,almost wanting to be active. People will just not give it a try if they dont feel anything while eating them, even if they was a good fatburn. Then i read about this product Meltdown that should be good, so im thinking one of those two. Who of them will give you the most "rush", and "energi" while being fatburning? And can these burners be as good as the one we had before? 40mg ephedrin, alot of caffin and aspirin..

    I hope some got some inputs, thanks!

    Bro, your grammer sucks ass! Not sure what your trying to say except do they ( not thet) still sell eca stack? Well, if you want to find something to buy and obviously know how to use a computer then try google. Type in eca stack sale and see what happens.

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