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  1. #1
    AverageWorkouts is offline Junior Member
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    New To Supplements. Advice?

    Hey I turned 18 2 months ago ive been working out for the past 6 months about 3-4 times a week mostly just to cut weight and ever sense I was 14 I have had a naturally strong and solid body from sport. I droped from 230 down to 190-195 to prepare to build muscle instead of fat. Im 6.2 By the way.

    Now that ive shed the fat off I want to start bulking up with muscle. I just started taking whey protein about 2 weeks ago and have noticed a little change but I want more. I think it unwise to use AAS at 18 so for now I want to use the next best thing. I looked at a few of the Legal Steroid Alternatives on this website and two that caught my eye are

    D-anaabol 25


    Pituitary Growth Hormone

    Im very new to supplements and If Im way off with the two that caught my eye feel free to inform me. I will be reading these forums for the next few days before I decide the right supplement for me so any advice is welcome.

    Keep in mind my workouts are very basic. I workout in a home gym but manage to get a little of everything in. I will be going to the local Gym very soon though to really start building.

  2. #2
    CSAR's Avatar
    CSAR is offline AR's Cunning Linguist
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    In a bowl of rice
    Yeah, forget the Legal Steroid Alternatives .

    Get a solid diet plan and stick to it. Supps are meant to be added not to be taken in place of whole foods.

    Good supps for just about everyone are:
    1. Whey
    2. Waximaize
    3. Creatine

    Others will have different opinions, but you're young, so rely on nutrition more than supps to reach your bodybuilding goals.

  3. #3
    AverageWorkouts is offline Junior Member
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    Ya Ive heard good things about Whey protein and ive used it in the past. Its just that whey protein is a pretty basic supplement. Im lookin to increase my muscle size as well as get cut and any Legal supplement that can help with that is worth gettin to me.

    Like my name states I do pretty average workouts and im not trying to be a huge body builder or anything, just respectably cut and strong.

    Id like to stay away from Creatine because many of my friends that have used it seemed to put on alot of water weight. What are PHs? And is there a Glutamine supplement I should be using?

  4. #4
    SmittyTheOX's Avatar
    SmittyTheOX is offline Member
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    CSAR is on the money. So many young bbers get all caught up in the marketing hype and buy every product out there thinking it will fast track there results.

    To be honest bud the three best things you could do is:

    1 Concentrate on following a progressive lifting regime focusing on compound movements and free weights.

    2 Follow a sound diet plan 90% of the time. Eating whole foods every 2-3 hours.

    3 Preform some interval cardio training for weight loss and GPP.

    If you really feel the need to spend your hard earned cash on supps, pick up some whey protein and waximaize to have after workouts. The rest on the time the focus should be WHOLE foods.


  5. #5
    CSAR's Avatar
    CSAR is offline AR's Cunning Linguist
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    In a bowl of rice
    Quote Originally Posted by AverageWorkouts View Post
    Its just that whey protein is a pretty basic supplement.
    Like my name states I do pretty average workouts and im not trying to be a huge body builder

    Then you don't even need to take supplements. Get your diet squared away and do some cardio. Be consistent about it and you'll see some results.

  6. #6
    kirk3624's Avatar
    kirk3624 is offline Associate Member
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    The first thing I would recommend is improving diet and getting protein intake up to 1.5 grams per lb of bodyweight. This is much harder than you think, especially if you go with whole foods as opposed to shakes. If you do this you will grow like a weed. A crazy ass weed.

    However, if you really want to try out a supplement, I would recommend E-Form by dermabolics. E-Form is an anti-estrogen. What is cool about someone in your situation, is the E-Form might enable you to continue growing vertically as estrogen is the main cause of growth plates fusing, and ending growth of height. I would stay on the low end of the dosage. BTW it is transdermal (absorbed through the skin) so super easy to use. Might be sold out though, in high demand. Cost: $25. Peace.

  7. #7
    AverageWorkouts is offline Junior Member
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    Apr 2008

    Good Advice

    Thanks for the help guys. Considering I just cut down weight and I really dont know what kind of results I can get with just a high protein diet and more intense workouts I think for now ill Stick to just Whey Protein. Might finish off my last bottle of Hydroxycut to help keep it to pure muscle that im gaining and not fat. Is this a bad Idea? I know this weight loss suplement works as ive been using it for the past few months but will it be negative to building muscle now?

    All that being said anyone have a little more info on E-Form? Just curious.

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