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  1. #1
    Forgiveness is offline Junior Member
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    Help with Protein Bars

    I'm looking for a protein bar that is not necessarily intended as a meal replacement.

    1. I don't care what it tastes like
    2. I'm looking for the best Protein to Carb/fat/calorie ratio possible
    3. Rather have Whey as a pro source than soy

    anybody have suggestions for a clean, lean pro bar?

  2. #2
    abbot138's Avatar
    abbot138 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Eh, most of them pretty much suck. The Atkins Advantage Bar, Almond Brownie isnt thhhaaattt bad. 21p, 21c (7 fiber), 9f (4 saturated fat). Its sweetened with splenda and sodium is relatively low. But most bars are pretty much trash.

  3. #3
    BoriPecs's Avatar
    BoriPecs is offline New Member
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    Im looking for something similar just something with low carbs and high in protein, if anyone know of any good ones let us know. I looked up Detour bars high in protein but also on carbs and calories.

  4. #4
    abbot138's Avatar
    abbot138 is offline Anabolic Member
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    You should try expirimenting with making your own thats the way to go. Just use some whey powder and water, throw in some pb and some oats if you want. You gotta play around with it to get the consitency right, but just mix it up, stick it in the freezer for a couple hours and your good to go. You have to keep them in the fridge once they are done tho. I use to make some amazing protein bars at home. Ill let ya know if i can find the recipe.

  5. #5
    BoriPecs's Avatar
    BoriPecs is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by abbot138 View Post
    You should try expirimenting with making your own thats the way to go. Just use some whey powder and water, throw in some pb and some oats if you want. You gotta play around with it to get the consitency right, but just mix it up, stick it in the freezer for a couple hours and your good to go. You have to keep them in the fridge once they are done tho. I use to make some amazing protein bars at home. Ill let ya know if i can find the recipe.
    Found some links about making your own bars not bad at all. check them out if you want to try it.,00.html

  6. #6
    jakk9011 is offline Junior Member
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    thanks for those links..
    I like the looks of those second ones.. gonna try making them tomorrow

  7. #7
    BoriPecs's Avatar
    BoriPecs is offline New Member
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    Btw you can add a lil honey on the top for better flavor if you like. Its comes out preaty good.

  8. #8
    damiongage's Avatar
    damiongage is offline Anabolic Member
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    3 1/2 cups oats
    8 scoops protein
    1cup skimmilk
    1/4 cup natty pb

    mix, put in pan, refrigerate

    bars will be sticky....but good tasting an better for you than any store bought

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