I don't have the luxury of getting AS at any moment like I could back in college. And, dont have the nerve just to try and order through ups. Without this, what are my best choices when using the grey areas that are out there. By grey areas I mean - fina, prohormones, pepts, igf, chems, etc.

About me, I am 6'1" tall - 185lbs, train 5-6 days a week for last 3 years. Used AS frequently ten years ago but not since. My diet is perfect. My bodyfat is below 10. I dont want to lift the gym. I am not looking for the powerlifter look. I want lean mass growth while maintaining my six pack.

I would like some input on how to design my long term options. IE. stacking?, 6weeks on 4 weeks off?, this chem with fina is great?, alternate this stack every other 6 weeks? , etc. Without saying - find a dealer! How do I make the best of what is somewhat easily available?