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  1. #1
    MuscleSportMag's Avatar
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    “Legal Steroids” Just Your Basic Supplement with Familiar Names

    One Letter Away From Gear Names Grab Attention

    Winni-V. D-Bol. Anodrol. Sustenol 250. Deca Nor 50. Somatroph HGH. Test Suspension. Sound familiar? Close enough to some of those names that you've heard going back and forth in the gym? The websites that sell this stuff even call the use of them as 'cycles' and when they suggest more than one, 'stacking.'

    Over the years, especially since the whole country has gone overboard with the specter of performance-enhancing drugs effecting our sports, there has been a sort of daring curiosity to know more about them and even test the waters. Due to the negative attention and law enforcement intervention, the real deal has taken a back seat to what the supplement companies have christened "legal steroids ." These items have names that are so close to the 'taboo' drugs that many have felt as is they were buying something that could get them arrested for possessing. The bottles even look like the same ones that hold real anabolic steroids . Coincidence?

    Here’s an example of the description given on one of the websites that sell these items: "The absolute most powerful OTC product available. May be used in any cycle to support tremendous size and strength gains." While that may be a pretty basic selling song, they take it another step forward with the similarities. "Users generally apply 2 cc's in the morning and another 2 cc's in the afternoon with the special applicator provided," which, judging by the accompanying photo, resembles a syringe. And the kick at the end - "Order today with no prescription required."

    Perusing the bodybuilding and steroids forums on the web, you will frequently come across threads of young people asking if these items are real steroids or not. Not totally dismissing their effectiveness as a supplement, but it is blatantly obvious that these companies are trying to catch lightning in a bottle, or so to speak.

    Supplements are supplements, and gear is gear. There is no connection between the two. In a business world, trying to mix the two may transcend into sales (and these items will run you over $100 for a bottle), but by trying to portray them as a totally different substance will take away much of their steam to the schooled potential buyer.

  2. #2
    jefferyrmac is offline New Member
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    Im just finishing up a cycle, the one that sells under the name "mass stack" and I must say that I had some pretty decent gains. I would take a couple of each along with my pre-workout drink and would tear it up in the gym. Only side effect was that it made me pretty irritable. I was not the nicest person around while on the stuff.

  3. #3
    BITTAPART2's Avatar
    BITTAPART2 is offline Senior Member
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    dude are you effin serious? too obvious^^^^ i dont believe you

  4. #4
    jefferyrmac is offline New Member
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    I definately had an attitude change about the 2nd week in. Im normally pretty laid back and on it I seemed to have a short fuse. I didnt gain any real size but did go up a few pounds lifting and seemed to have more energy. Who knows, maybe just placebo. I only ordered it out of desperation because I keep getting burned trying to find gear!

  5. #5
    bone$ is offline Junior Member
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    well consider yourself burned again?

  6. #6
    Mbuffguy is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by jefferyrmac View Post
    I definately had an attitude change about the 2nd week in. Im normally pretty laid back and on it I seemed to have a short fuse. I didnt gain any real size but did go up a few pounds lifting and seemed to have more energy. Who knows, maybe just placebo. I only ordered it out of desperation because I keep getting burned trying to find gear!
    its all in your mind ***** im running 1,000 mg of test eth and im happy as can be

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