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Thread: Furazarol?????

  1. #1
    lil hulk is offline Associate Member
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    I just got done reading the other post about furazadrol...and i am currently in the middle of my second week and taking 100mg a that i have read this post and the post on now i want to start off in my 3rd week through my sixth week doin 250mg a 215 this a good way to do it or not....and yes im doin Post cycle also after the 6 weeks is up and im on a cutting diet ....any info with those stats would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Rock-Solid is offline Banned
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    Is this a steroid ur talkin bout here or what?

  3. #3
    ACE5HIGH's Avatar
    ACE5HIGH is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lil hulk View Post
    I just got done reading the other post about furazadrol...and i am currently in the middle of my second week and taking 100mg a that i have read this post and the post on now i want to start off in my 3rd week through my sixth week doin 250mg a 215 this a good way to do it or not....and yes im doin Post cycle also after the 6 weeks is up and im on a cutting diet ....any info with those stats would be appreciated.
    Is this your first run with steriods /hormones?

    If so, make aure your doing the diet/training and support supplements as well as your pct and you will be well rewarded.

    I really like Furazadrol, I think it gets a bad rap because its on the "weak" side and gets costly, but with the right dose its great.

    Im anywhere between 185 and 195 at 5'10" and I wouldnt even think of starting furazadrol at less then 200mg a day split into doses, good luck.

  4. #4
    sitries is offline Associate Member
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    is.furazabol.just.the.prohormone.version.of.winny? ???

  5. #5
    lil hulk is offline Associate Member
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    Well im a personal trainer so i know about dieting and lifting cardio all of that...i just wanted to know what people thought about it...i started the recomended dose a week ago and im on my second week of it...after doin some research i orderd 2 more bottles last night so next week im poppin 250mg a day ...

  6. #6
    ACE5HIGH's Avatar
    ACE5HIGH is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lil hulk View Post
    Well im a personal trainer so i know about dieting and lifting cardio all of that...i just wanted to know what people thought about it...i started the recomended dose a week ago and im on my second week of it...after doin some research i orderd 2 more bottles last night so next week im poppin 250mg a day ...
    What are your stats? Two years of training experience and your already personal trainer yourself?

    Im sure you know how to train, I was just wondering if you have previous cycle experience because I would prob recomend slightly higher dose if you have cycled B4...

    Good luck, let us know how you like the Furazadrol

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