I know some people here dislike prohormones, but in light of the difficulty in obtaining real gear vs the availablity of legal prohormones, I have a couple questions regarding them and their use. Please limit responses to past experience, helpful critiques, product suggestion and generally helpful responses. One, does anyone have any product recomendation? I am not trying to pack on a ton of mass. Lean muscle will be preferable, 10 to 15 lbs of muscle would be ideal, 5 to 10 lbs of fat if that what it takes, can always lose it later. How permanent are gains with a PCT and continued workout? http://store.bodybuildingfactory.com...0-sus-500.html this was one that I was looking at, as was this http://store.bodybuildingfactory.com...-halotest.html. Secondly, is something like this sufficient for a Post cycle? http://store.bodybuildingfactory.com...e-formula.html I have read that milk thistle is a good idea when taking a prohormone just to protect the liver a little bit. So, is milk thistle + one of the above (recomendations please) and that post cycle good enough? Should I be taking a mass gainer as well while taking a prohormone? Coming off this cycle, would it be wise/safe to take clen to help strip away the excess fat put on? Just as background:
1) never done any type of prohormone/steroid
2) 21 yrs old, 10% B.F. 165 lbs, 5'11
3) Rough diet outline, eggs+wheat toast =>, protein shake, => tuna sandwich => shake, => whole wheat pasta=> shake=> chicken/steak/beef=> shake before bed.
4) workout consists of lifting, cardio, fight training