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  1. #1
    watevrittakes16's Avatar
    watevrittakes16 is offline New Member
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    mass tabs cycle and pct

    im 5'8'' 160 pounds and play college football. Ive been training since i was a freshman in high school and have had great success gaining mass with dieting and supplementation. however my season has begun and ive been losing weight and strength ever since the preseason. im looking to do a cycle of mass tabs (1 30mg tab a day for 30 days) during the season so that i may still continue to get stronger and would like to know how to cycle mass tabs properly. based on some research i plan on taking milk thistle for 10 days prior and throughout the cycle for liver support. i also plan on stacking the mass tabs with an antiestrogen like 6-oxo to prevent any side effects like gyno which a friend of mine had during his use of mass tabs. Please let me know if this is a good start and what my pct should look like

  2. #2
    jstraw428's Avatar
    jstraw428 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I still dont know what the f@ck a Mass Tab is.......gotta be some prohormone bullsh!t

  3. #3
    watevrittakes16's Avatar
    watevrittakes16 is offline New Member
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    Jul 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by jstraw428 View Post
    I still dont know what the f@ck a Mass Tab is.......gotta be some prohormone bullsh!t
    i believe it to be oral stenbolone.. can anyone with knowledge of the this please help me out

  4. #4
    DS21 is offline Member
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    New Mexico
    Usually with a prohormone you would use one serving in the am and one in the pm for 4-6 weeks, then post cycle. I am guessing 6oxo with a natural test booster would work. FYI, this site is more towards steroids , but hopefully you can find a better answer if this one doesn't work.

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