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  1. #1
    boxer08's Avatar
    boxer08 is offline Senior Member
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    united kingdom

    Cod liver causing acne

    This is my 3rd attempt taking cod liver oil. The first time i was taking it i dind't think it was causing the acne but the 2nd and 3rd attempt ive got acne again. They start coming around 2 weeks into taking it, on my face, neck and back. The spots are sore and bright red. I always thought it helped the skin.

  2. #2
    binder's Avatar
    binder is offline Member
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    May 2008
    bright red spots? That might be hives instead. You could be allergic to it or to something that they process it with.

    Are you on anything else that could cause the acne? It's just really odd that someone would get acne from that.

    I would think it might be something besides acne. Some other skin reaction. I would try a different oil.

  3. #3
    boxer08's Avatar
    boxer08 is offline Senior Member
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    Jan 2007
    united kingdom
    It seems more like acne to me because the spots are coming to heads aswell. I was thinking of trying another brand or switching to flaxseed oil. The ones i have now are from holland and barett.

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