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  1. #1
    AnavarX's Avatar
    AnavarX is offline Associate Member
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    High Doses of Hdrol- next cycle

    Ok I just did a 30-30-30 cycle of mdrol a month ago-gained 18lbs all together-22lbs on cycle- and I want to start an Hdrol Cycle during the summer time- beginning in june.
    I read on other forms that you can run high doses of this since its the prodrug to Tbol and its very mild- one guy even ran 125mg for 6 months for his first cycle
    I suppose itll be 3 months cycle off from mdrol..

    I am going to run 150mg for 5 weeks along with clen and T3

    Hdrol - 125-150-150-150-125
    T3 - 50mcg for 3days 75mcg for 4days 100mcg week 2 125mcg week 3-100mcg week 4 - 50mcg for 4 days 25 for 3 days
    Clen - 50mcg for 3 days 75 for 4days 100mcg for a week- 75mcg for 4 days 25 for 3 days

    The clen will start at week 2 and end at week 4.
    I will start taking a benadryl for the 2end week of the clen cycle and taper down to 25mg of benedryl for the last week when I taper the clen

    Also I read that .25mg of adex eod on the cycle helps too?
    Would you dose adex in as well?
    And I will also edit this post as soon as I get opinions when I take everything because I have taken everything into consideration
    When to take T3 to increase absorbtion and how often to take mdrol how long to cycle clen...all of it
    Diet will be tip top trust me
    I will also update blood pressure and cholesterol info

    21 years old
    11% bf before mdrol then 13% after
    training since 13years old
    football from 13-18
    Last edited by AnavarX; 03-21-2009 at 08:14 PM.

  2. #2
    sitries is offline Associate Member
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    if you rlooking to cut and are therefore going to be on a low calorie diet, whats the point of taking such high doses???? Your not trying to build mass predominantly, youl jyst need a dosage that will hold onto the muscle you have and maybe gain a few lean pounds whilst dropping body fat.

    150 is thereforee to much for your purpose. you should run a lower dose and a longer cycle to give you more time to cut. 8 weeks at 75mg or 100mg per day will be the best solution IMO.

  3. #3
    AnavarX's Avatar
    AnavarX is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sitries View Post
    if you rlooking to cut and are therefore going to be on a low calorie diet, whats the point of taking such high doses???? Your not trying to build mass predominantly, youl jyst need a dosage that will hold onto the muscle you have and maybe gain a few lean pounds whilst dropping body fat.

    150 is thereforee to much for your purpose. you should run a lower dose and a longer cycle to give you more time to cut. 8 weeks at 75mg or 100mg per day will be the best solution IMO.
    So are you suggesting increase the length of time on the T3 as well?
    Im trying to keep this cycle short because im trying to get one last one in befor grad school- haha

    I might put it to 6 weeks of 125mg
    Im trying to minimize as much muscle loss as possible- i want to keep my strenth if not get stronger- i lost a little getting on the PCT after mdrol but gained it back in the second week of PCT- The PCT isnt really much of a hold back in gainning strength- now i did lose some size.

    I got it so that all the stuff is outta my system ASAP cuz interviews start at the end of the year... I wanted to run a 5 week PCT to be sure no delayed gyno at 40-40-40-20-20 with adex .25-.50-.50-.25-.125

    How would u take adex with the cycle though?
    Also im putting EFA gels in there to help the Hdrol absorbtion
    And putting my calcium and fiber intakes efficient enough for good T3 absorbtion
    I would start the real stuff but...this is more in the gray area to people
    My diet will be tip top- mostly chicken and fish- lotta protein

    Any Suggestions?
    Last edited by AnavarX; 03-22-2009 at 08:38 AM.

  4. #4
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    I would not even consider such doses, they are simply not necessary. More does not equal better. I would recommend blood work and liver values to be checked before you do anything.

  5. #5
    Dog-Slime's Avatar
    Dog-Slime is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    I would not even consider such doses, they are simply not necessary. More does not equal better. I would recommend blood work and liver values to be checked before you do anything.
    Agreed. I saw no difference bumping from 75mgs to 100mgs of h-drol except for excrutiating headaches and extreme lethargy. Tho most other people i know can tolerate 100mg and have trouble at 125mgs.

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