What is so wrong in consuming 3 or more servings of protein shakes a day? i understand that "normal" sources of protein such as steak and eggs contain certain minerals and vitamins that are not necessarily present in protein shakes...but is this the only reason?

would this mean that if i consumed enough protein from "normal" sources, then i can consume as much from protein shakes as i want?

basically im asking...do u guys think consuming relatively large amounts (by this i mean 3 or more servings) of protein from protein shakes is a problem?

i have been consuming 3 protein shakes a day (each with about 32g protein) for about two years now. im sure however that i get enough protein from normal sources.

*if ur wondering how in the hell this relates to AAS....well, i DO intend to continue using protein shakes when i start i cycle...so i just thought id clear some things up.