Hey guys just wanted to get opinions from you guys on my lean mass cycle im going to do consisting of H-drol from CEL which is the same compound as the original halodrol-50 and transdermal formestane.

My goal is to increase lbm ONLY with little to no BF increase and for TONS of strength (strength is the most important to me). I'd use other things but to keep my weight where it is wile getting crazy strength gains. I plan to run it like this:

Halodrol-50: 50/50/50/75/75/75 for six weeks (50mg ed for 3 weeks then 75mg ed for 3 weeks)

Formestane: 100mg ed (night before bed) this would give me 700mg weekly.

I put formestane in because it will help with estro control and boost IGF-1 levels and increase HTPA function thus boosting halodrols androgenic effects for strength.

Hoping to make crazy strength gains and solid, quality mass gains. Awesome if mass comes, but I am 99% focused on strength right now.

Let me know what you guys think, thanks