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Thread: My 1-T Tren log

  1. #1
    Cam09 is offline Junior Member
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    My 1-T Tren log

    I think there is 2 or 3 of us now doing a log on this stuff but I am on day 5 of running just the 1-T Tren and so far I havent felt too many sides. I am about to go to the gym right now and I will post later to let everyone know how the workout went.

  2. #2
    Cam09 is offline Junior Member
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    gym went really well today, felt really pumped and Just a little while ago I experienced that hot flash feeling. Idk but maybe it was in my head but feeling really good and so far so good

  3. #3
    Cam09 is offline Junior Member
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    went to the gym earlier and did legs. I was sweating my ass off and im kinda thinking this might be a side from the tren . feeling pretty good ill be checking my weight in the next couple days to see any changes

  4. #4
    james21's Avatar
    james21 is offline Anabolic Member
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    yeah itll make you sweat during those workouts ... i sweat up to an hour or 2 after !

  5. #5
    Cam09 is offline Junior Member
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    so today is the first day I have weighed myself. Kinda weird but I have gained 5 pounds! Im going to re-weigh myself tomorrow to see if this was just a wierd day but I have been cutting and the only thing I have added to my diet since i started the 1- Tren was a before bed protein. I have been doing morning cardio 3 days a week and always do cardio after the weights.

  6. #6
    Cam09 is offline Junior Member
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    After I re-weighed myself I was at about 2 pounds over so im guessing i just have gained this weight from being a little more careful about getting the correct macros... Overall strength is through the roof and Im feeling good. I cant wait to try and bulk with this stuff.... One thing I want to know is what would be a good PCT for this product??? I havent fihured it out yet what im going to do.

  7. #7
    amcon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cam09 View Post
    After I re-weighed myself I was at about 2 pounds over so im guessing i just have gained this weight from being a little more careful about getting the correct macros... Overall strength is through the roof and Im feeling good. I cant wait to try and bulk with this stuff.... One thing I want to know is what would be a good PCT for this product??? I havent fihured it out yet what im going to do.
    get you pct now!

    good posts keep them up... put some numbers up reps and weight of like your major lifts

    like maybe:

    bent over rows or pull -ups with weight
    shoulder pressed
    bie curls
    squats or leg press

    (i dont think you need to over detail every movemnt you do but numbers will help... and we dont care if you bench 100 lbs or 500 lbs we/i just want to see the growth you are getting from the products you are using)

  8. #8
    Stock's Avatar
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    For PCT I would recommend that TRS, Testosterone Recovery Stack by PP. I did an 8 weeker of low test and mast cycle and used the TRS and added Novadex to it and I was fine. If you are running the 1-Tren only, it should be plenty to get you up and running again.

  9. #9
    Cam09 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    get you pct now!

    good posts keep them up... put some numbers up reps and weight of like your major lifts

    like maybe:

    bent over rows or pull -ups with weight
    shoulder pressed
    bie curls
    squats or leg press

    (i dont think you need to over detail every movemnt you do but numbers will help... and we dont care if you bench 100 lbs or 500 lbs we/i just want to see the growth you are getting from the products you are using)
    Ill try and get some numbers up soon. (tomorrow is chest day and ill post all my numbers for the week...
    Before trying this stuff I pretty much didnt believe in pro hormones and I still dont however I am noticing changes in my body that I havent ever before on any prohormone or suppliment for that matter.

  10. #10
    Cam09 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stock View Post
    For PCT I would recommend that TRS, Testosterone Recovery Stack by PP. I did an 8 weeker of low test and mast cycle and used the TRS and added Novadex to it and I was fine. If you are running the 1-Tren only, it should be plenty to get you up and running again.
    Ok cool thanks alot... Im not quite through my first bottle yet and I have one more but should I go off and do PCT and then start my next bottle or just keep going right on through the 2nd bottle of 1-t tren and then PCT after?

  11. #11
    Darksyde's Avatar
    Darksyde is offline Member
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    run 6 weeks (or however long your 2 bottles last) of the 1-tt then do pct after.

  12. #12
    Cam09 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darksyde View Post
    run 6 weeks (or however long your 2 bottles last) of the 1-tt then do pct after.
    Sounds good thanks Darkside

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