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  1. #1
    Dazza21 is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2009

    ECA - Your experiences, good/bad

    Hi all, wondering what everyones experiences have been on this? im currently on it and ive started to notice late at night (take my last dose at 3ish) im getting pulpotations i suppose you could call them, i can feel my heart beating sometimes and i have to take a deep breath to try and settle it, also finding it harder to catch my breath after lifting as my heart is working faster than normal. Has anyone else experienced the pulpotations? or irregular heartbeat, feels weird.

    On the bright side it kills my appetite in the day, and im buzzing when doing cardio. I'm also currently on H-drol, but i doubt its that that's causing heat irregular heartbeat. I might stay off the ECA tmo and see if it is that which is causing it.


  2. #2
    Hunter-S-Thompson's Avatar
    Hunter-S-Thompson is offline Senior Member
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    palputations are never a good sign... moniter your BP, it could be a combo of the ECA and hdrol, id say drop down the eca dose and see how it works, otherwise discontinue it.. ive run it several times with good results, i usually have a faster heart rate then normal.. just watch out for the palputations

  3. #3
    Ashop's Avatar
    Ashop is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dazza21 View Post
    Hi all, wondering what everyones experiences have been on this? im currently on it and ive started to notice late at night (take my last dose at 3ish) im getting pulpotations i suppose you could call them, i can feel my heart beating sometimes and i have to take a deep breath to try and settle it, also finding it harder to catch my breath after lifting as my heart is working faster than normal. Has anyone else experienced the pulpotations? or irregular heartbeat, feels weird.

    On the bright side it kills my appetite in the day, and im buzzing when doing cardio. I'm also currently on H-drol, but i doubt its that that's causing heat irregular heartbeat. I might stay off the ECA tmo and see if it is that which is causing it.


    ECA always made me feel wired all day,,,some time too much. When I would come off I would tend to crash hard as well. It does work well however for stripping fat but for me personally...CLENBUTEROL works much better and I dont feel poorly.

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