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  1. #1
    sitries is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    highest possible dose on epistane

    looking to cut and gain a bit of LBM on a low calorie diet. have done AAS cycles in the past using test, deca , and anavar . Iv also used mdrol and hdrol. just started epistane and im wondering what the highest dose that would be safe for a 4week period. i was thinking 50mg or 60mg a day...........what do you think??

  2. #2
    DetroitCity's Avatar
    DetroitCity is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2009
    Hey I'm curious also.. and if you don't mind me asking sitries how did mdrol and hdrol go for you? were they comparable to your aas cycles in terms of gains?

  3. #3
    sitries is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    mdrol is potent and gives good gains, but it made my piss a horrible yellowy green colour!!! dont think i was drinking enough fluids. i used mdrol as a 4week kickstart to a test cycle and to be honest a lot of gains came in the 1st week which i would put down to the superdrol.

    hdrol is pretty weak, i used it for 5 weeks when i was cutting, i managed to hand onto my muscle mass and cut fat so all in all id say at 100mg per day its a good product for cutting.

    if going for all out mass i would def go for mdrol or spawn.

    i think im gna go with 60mg havoc per day btw - after 2 days on a cutting diet hardly any carbs iv put on 2lbs and dropped bf! so far so good

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