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  1. #1
    Okinawa_Power is offline Senior Member
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    Feb 2009

    FDA monitors these Sites

    I was thinking.....How in the hell does the FDA find out about these supplements and the next thing we know they are discontinued....I swear the FDA monitors these sites and then when they have a PH that is geting great reviews they strike......There is no way they have the ability to know about every PH that is out there and that really works....Instead of using millions of dollars a year on trying to oust every PH that comes out and works they need to get rid of the things that are killing our young adults and young children every year. They tell us that they are concerned with children being influential about using steroids , however I guess all the beer commercials do not do that to young impressionable minds.

    This is America at it's finest.......Instead of getting rid of the things that kill millions of people a year they are concerned about people that are trying to get into shape and are trying to make themselves better......Of course PH/DS are not taxed and do not provide the government with billions of dollars a year in profit........

    I've spent 15 years of my life devoted to protecting America from foreign aggression and I can't even buy a ****ing PH that helps me maintain muscle mass.....YOU HAVE GOT TO BE ****ING KIDDING ME......
    Last edited by Okinawa_Power; 09-05-2009 at 01:54 AM.

  2. #2
    XD40's Avatar
    XD40 is offline Senior Member
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    I feel ya..... FDA if your reading this ummm Testosterone sux and therefore should be made legal. Now N.O Xplode is GREAT stuff! gained 30lbs in 2weeks! awesome! lol...bu i feel ya bro its total BS...

  3. #3
    sizerp is offline Banned
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    Exoneration. . .
    The FDA probably has employees working for certain supplement companies and such, to get an inside scoop.

  4. #4
    killface's Avatar
    killface is offline Associate Member
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    They go after substances that, when used properly, are not particularly harmful AND, perhaps more importantly, promote a healthy lifestyle (emphasis on diet, exercise, etc.).

    Someone please tell me how I can use cigarettes to enhance any aspect of my life.

  5. #5
    stpete is offline Banned
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    I hear ya Power. I always hated the fact that you could go die for this country but couldn't legally drink a beer. WTF?

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