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  1. #1
    sikkenx is offline New Member
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    Oct 2009

    Help me schedule my cycle Please!

    First off, I'm 25 years old, 5' 10" white male. I weight between 137 to 145 pounds. As you can see I’m very skinny. I’ve been going to the gym now for over 1 year and have been eating right (well mostly, it’s hard to eat right when I’m living on my own and work all day, but I try)

    Being that I just want to make sure that I can maximize my gains by taking them at the right times and right dosages and protect my liver as well.

    So here's what I have:

    1) Muscle Juice 2544 Weight Gainer - (50g Protein per serving)
    2) Controlled Labs - BLUE UP Natural Test Booster (2 capsules daily before workout)
    3) Black Dragon Nutrition - TRENV-700 (1-2 capsules daily)
    4) American Cellular Labs - MASS XTREME (2 capsules daily with meals w/ 10-15g of fat)
    5) L-GLUTAMINE 500mg (1 capsule daily)
    6) MILK THISTLE 1000mg (2-4 capsules daily)
    7) Cipla - Fertomid-50 (CLOMIFENE TABLETS BP 50mg) * Clomid

    Would you recommend anything else for my cycle? (I think I need an on cycle liver support product, any suggestions on one?)

    And now if you guys could help me out to plan when and how much of each I should take daily for my cycle that would be great! I need to know also how long my cycle should last as well.

    If you could set me up a weekly schedule telling me what days to take what and at what doses. And also when to start and stop each supplement.

    Thanks in advance! I appreciate the time

  2. #2
    Kibble is offline Anabolic Member
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    This is not bashing, just constructive criticism. You are at too low of a weight to start cycling prohormones. Do you really want to have 5 cycles under your belt and only by 180 lbs? There are supplements that can give you the weight.

    Creatine, protein BCAAs, pre workout, multivitamin and fish oil. I do not believe in mass gainer. It is expensive anyway. Instead of buying a weeks supply of mass gainer for $35-50, go to the grocery store and buy 10 Stouffers Lasagna. Just an example. Food will be your best friend. Come to my house and I will slow smoke 10 pounds of pulled pork, and you will beef up.

    As for supports on ph... I always say use more than milk thistle. Areas of interest are blood pressure, liver enzymes, prostate and kidneys. If you do not want to buy Liver Longer or Synthergine (what I always swear by), then at least get something with NAC and milk thistle.

    You can also toss the glutamine. I am sure you are getting enough in your weight gainer. Also, why are you taking a test booster and a prohormone? Save it for after your clomid. Are you sure that you have done enough research? I suppose you got your labwork? Not bashing at all brother- much love for being in the sport, but I just want to make sure that everybody has a lifelong hobby

  3. #3
    sikkenx is offline New Member
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    Right on man. Thanks for the reply... Ya i eat alot.. I have been eating over 4000 cals a day for the last 9 months. My metabolism is just so fast its hard for me to gain. I normally wake up and eat 3 eggs w/ hash browns and a weight gainer shake (1200 cals). My snack before lunch is an apple,1 yogurt, weight gainer 1/2 shake, a bowl of pasta. My late lunch consists of weight gainer shake, Chicken and/or fish, + 1 pb&j sandwich. My pre dinner snack is a weight gain bar, 1/2 shake, and a dinner thats usually 600+ cals. Later i usually have another pb&j sandwich and a 1/2 shake or a whole shake... So on average, I take in 4000 to 6000 cals a day...

    I think from your advise, I will get another liver support.. Is there something that helps your liver, kidneys, and prostate all in one product? Also i agree with you on taking the test booster after the clomid... Should I start the day the clomid ends or before it ends?

    Also when should I start taking the milk thistle... the day i start taking tren and Mass x?

    Would you also recommend taking a mens multivitamin and fish oil while on my cycle?
    Anything else that might help me during or after my cyle?

    Thanks alot BigKuntry.. I appreciate your advise!

  4. #4
    Kibble is offline Anabolic Member
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    Anabolic Innovations "Life Support" has everything you need. Yes, use a multi and fish oil every day. Take your milk thistle with a meal. Also, start creatine during PCT. Just a teaspoon of monohydrate

  5. #5
    sikkenx is offline New Member
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    so take milk thistle while on cycle right? Instead of taking creatine for my PCT, can I just take the Test booster that I already have to get my levels back to normal? also should i start clomid the day after my cycle ends?

  6. #6
    Kibble is offline Anabolic Member
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    Yeah, take thistle while on cycle, and during pct. Use the test booster after clomid is finished. Start Clomid the night after your last pill. But like I said, I do not think you need to run a cycle. You are going to have a permenantly damaged liver before you even get to a steady 185 lbs. You need to build a base dude. Hormonals will always be around in some shape or form, so no need to rush into it now

  7. #7
    DCannon's Avatar
    DCannon is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    4000-6000 calories a day and you only weigh around 140lbs?

    Maybe you should have someone critique your training. JMO.

  8. #8
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    you should hop over to the diet forum and get some help, that diet is awful. fix that and you will gain.

  9. #9
    sikkenx is offline New Member
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    well i bought this cycle 2 years ago, and have been trying to gain naturally since. I gained maybe 10 pounds total. My metabolism is just so fast! My cycle expires early next year. If i were to wait another year or 2, would my expired cycle still be good or do the compounds start to break down after the expiration date? I will take a look at the diet forum for sure later this week... But i also have trouble eating so much because i am so small. Really the only thing that helps me eat so far is smoking bud. But that is very costly with the price of food at the end of the month. Is there anything else that would help me eat more? Or what are you guys thoughts on adding an ensure shake to my weight/protein shakes.. If i do that, one shake will give me over 1500 cals alone. SO if I did that twice daily and tried to eat as many meals as possible, would this help me gain? just want your guys thoughts..

  10. #10
    Okinawa_Power is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sikkenx View Post
    Right on man. Thanks for the reply... Ya i eat alot.. I have been eating over 4000 cals a day for the last 9 months. My metabolism is just so fast its hard for me to gain. I normally wake up and eat 3 eggs w/ hash browns and a weight gainer shake (1200 cals). My snack before lunch is an apple,1 yogurt, weight gainer 1/2 shake, a bowl of pasta. My late lunch consists of weight gainer shake, Chicken and/or fish, + 1 pb&j sandwich. My pre dinner snack is a weight gain bar, 1/2 shake, and a dinner thats usually 600+ cals. Later i usually have another pb&j sandwich and a 1/2 shake or a whole shake... So on average, I take in 4000 to 6000 cals a day...

    I think from your advise, I will get another liver support.. Is there something that helps your liver, kidneys, and prostate all in one product? Also i agree with you on taking the test booster after the clomid... Should I start the day the clomid ends or before it ends?

    Also when should I start taking the milk thistle... the day i start taking tren and Mass x?

    Would you also recommend taking a mens multivitamin and fish oil while on my cycle?
    Anything else that might help me during or after my cyle?

    Thanks alot BigKuntry.. I appreciate your advise!

    Just food for thought no pun intended.....Get rid of all the protein shakes and protein bars and add REAL food....All that shit will make you do is shit a lot....Get real food in your system...Meaning Chicken, Tuna, Fish, Beef, eggs for your protein......Get your carbs from pasta, potatoes......If your goal is to gain weight then eat, eat, eat....6-7 meals a day.....Leave the shakes to Pre-work out, and after your work out....And maybe a slow digesting Shake before you go to bed......Just my .02.....

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