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  1. #1
    TrynaImprove is offline Junior Member
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    Best Place To Order Ephedrine HCL

    Anybody wanna help me out and tell me where the best place to get Ephedrine HCL is?! I heard it was cheap and can be bought from some shops online or by going to my local drug stores like cvs, walgreens, etc but most donot carry it and the ones i found that do carry it, whether it be a store or a site sell it for mega buck$! someone please help me out. thanks. PMs would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    matt77's Avatar
    matt77 is offline Member
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    CVS, walgreens, and Walmart all sell it around here pretty cheap. You have to ask for Primatine or Bronkaid. Walmart here has Primatine 60 ct 15mg HCL for $7.

  3. #3
    TrynaImprove is offline Junior Member
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    Aug 2009
    where are you at?! im in ny/nj metro area and its not available over here. Its incredible how many jackasses have been shooting roids, mixing pills, and stuff and getting extremely sick so they been cracking down alot around here. Plus all on the site is primatene mist for bronchial asthma.

  4. #4
    matt77's Avatar
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    Im in the deep south US. Yeah its prob. because of your location. NJ/NY have some strict laws with lots of stuff. Primatine still makes the tabs I just picked some up at Walmart last week and bought some at CVS about a month ago here. You may have to cross the border into another state to get some.

  5. #5
    matt77's Avatar
    matt77 is offline Member
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    Oh, heres the link to the tab site.

  6. #6
    TrynaImprove is offline Junior Member
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    how do you cycle it?! do you get 2 or more boxes of the tablets at a time?! how much caffeine and aspirin too?! like how much of dosage and when?!

  7. #7
    IM708's Avatar
    IM708 is offline AR's Supplement Guru
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    What does ECA stand for?
    Ephedrine HCL/Ephedra, Caffeine, and Aspirin

    Is there a difference between Ephedra and Ephedrine HCL?
    Yes, ephedrine hcl can be referred to as the standardized form of ephedra, also known as its alkaloid. Ephedra is converted by the body into Ephedrine which is its active form that the body utilizes. If you had to choose between buying ephedra or contest, ephedrine would be your best bet since you will know exactly how much active compound will end up in your body vs. a guessing game with ephedra.

    What the HCL stand for?

    Should I take ECA stack?
    **It all depends on several factors, not a simple yes or no question. What is your current state of health? If you have high blood pressure, any form of heart disease, enlarged/dilated blood vessels, prone to ulcers, having a lot of difficulty sleeping, or under 18 do not even think about taking it, you're putting yourself at risk for further complications and potential death. If you are in this group, do not even read further on because this information does not apply to you and you shouldn't use this information.**

    This is not a stack for a person who has not had stimulants in the past, that would include people who aren’t even regular coffee drinkers, and no Pepsi doesn't count since the amount of caffeine is so low it barely would increase your tolerance to caffeine. Start with caffeine and work your way up from there. If you don't regularly exercise then also do not take ECA, you are subjecting yourself to a stress your body might not be able to handle, I've read of people who were in their late 20's and gotten heart attacks from stimulants for not putting in the time. My best recommendation would be to put in at least 3-4 months of solid training before attempting to use this stack. Your workout regimen should be to exercise at least 4 times a week at a very high intensity, get your heart rate through the roof during those months so your body can adapt to be able to take more stress.

    Can I stack with other stimulants?
    Are you asking for a death wish? I would never recommend that for anyone no matter how much of a veteran they are of these products to stack with another stimulant. Stimulants I would be referring to would be powerful substances like clenbuterol .

    How does ephedrine work?
    Ephedrine inside the body produces Noradreneline (NA) which then attachs to the beta receptor which in turn stimulates the G Protein. The alpha subunit attachs to the enzyme Adenylate Cyclase and activates it. The adenylate cyclase continues to produce Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate (cAMP) which contines down the thermogenic pathway. There are a couple roadblocks to prevent this from happen. NA's productions is inhibited by prostanglins which is where the aspirin comes into play. Aspirin works to inhibit the production of prostanglins allowing for NA to be produced in a greater quanitity. cAMP is also inhibited by phosphodiesterase (PDE). That is where caffeine plays its part, caffeine inhibits PDE activity allowing cAMP to go down the thermogenic pathway.

    Now that the technical information is out of the way ECA works by having both a stimulatory effect and an appetite reducing effect. Both of them are very important, it is said that most of the effects of ECA come from its powerful appetite reducing effects.

    Is ephedrine illegal?
    Yes and no. It is illegal to market ephedrine for the purpose of weight loss and is illegal to put into diet pills, which is why no diet pills on the market work anymore. Ephedrine is legal to market as a bronchodilator, decongestant (cold and flu), allergies, and Chinese traditional medicine. The dosages and quantity are controlled when purchased at stores. Due to the process of purchasing ephedrine has become very complicated since its initial regulation back in 1997 by the FDA and continuation with the amendment of Combat Methamphetamine Epidemic Act of 2005 (CMEA) into the Patriot Act I would not recommend you purchase ephedrine in stores. There are many online outlets to seek which can provide much more ephedrine for a cheaper price then your local gas station.

    Side effects?
    If you are familiar with clenbuterol you will know of its side effects, they are practically the same with both products. Headaches, insomnia, increased thirst, palpitations, tremors, raised blood pressure. On to the more serious possibly effects: heart attacks, stroke, or death are a real possibility which is why if you read my "Should I take ECA stack?" I am very strict about who should/shouldn't take it.

    Dosing protocol?
    The dosing protocol is pretty simple. ECA is usually taken in the ratio of 1:10:15 or 1:10:10, from there all it takes is a little math to figure out how much you need. From there take that dosage 3 times daily split into even intervals throughout the day. This should also be taken on a 2 weeks on/off basis because your body will adapt to ephedrine making its effects diminished/non-existent. What you can find on the net is ephedrine pills sold in 8mg pills. I would recommend these especially for first time users and/or women since it will give you a much greater control of how much you are taking at once vs. taking one 25mg pill and finding you are getting the effects of toxicity.

    Where to buy?
    Like I said before, I would recommend you buy it online. The problem is that you won't or will have a hard time finding a product that will have all the components of the ECA stack inside of it. So I recommend you buy all the components separately and combine them, it is much cheaper going that route anyways.

    On average about $8.43 if you were to get a 24 pack at 25mg per tablet vs. 13.99 at a local gas station for the same quantity/dosage. Huge difference in price. It can be found even cheaper on some Canadian websites, but they might not ship to the US which is a huge drawback.

    You have a couple choices, pill or powder form. Pills on average will be more expensive but dosing will be easier to manage and won't have to worry about caffeine anhydrous' putrid taste. Powder will generally be much cheaper but masking its taste will be near impossible, so I'd recommend you buy a scale that can read into the thousandths of a gram and some caps to fill it with.

    http://www.********.com/?products_id=3645 - $0.225 per gram

    http://www.********.com/?products_id=1201 - $0.044975 per gram

    Because of how cheap it is to buy, go into a grocery store and buy it in bulk. Make sure to get it in a coated form to protect your stomach though!

    Why do you recommend aspirin in an enteric coated form?
    Aspirin has been shown to wreak havoc on the stomach by causing ulcers. It does this through decreasing production of mucus from the goblet cells in the stomach lining increasing the potential of an ulcer to occur. The coated form prevents digestion within the stomach but will not guarantee you won't get an ulcer. The aspirin will still diffuse out from the blood vessels surrounding the stomach into the goblet cells but won't be at the same intensity/rate as using an uncoated form. If you get ulcers in the small intestines, an enteric form of aspirin won't do you any good.
    Last edited by IM708; 01-08-2010 at 07:39 AM.

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