Hey everyone,

I'm starting an M-Drol Cycle in 2 weeks. Before I get started, here's my stats.

6' 1"
192 lbs
Deadlift: 365
Bench: 170
Squat: 285
Arms: 14.7 inches
Chest: 25 inches

I've been lifting for 3 years now, and am thinking about MDROL.

Here's my plan.

1) Bulk up over these next 2 weeks. (Hit 200 pounds)

2) Run a cycle where I start with 10mg the first 2 days, then consistently take 20mg's. (For the first cycle. Next cycle would be 20mg for 2 days, then 30 mg/day) I also have Taurine pills (500mg) to help with back pumps.

3) Go on PCT. This leads me to a problem. I ordered this product (http://www.supplementwarehouse.com/v...product=142550) for PCT. I will also be taking Milk Thistle to help the liver.

Main Questions I Have:

1) What can I expect besides strength gains after the cycle? Will I get fat? Will I keep the gains/size? If I do get chub, is it easy to burn off with HIIT?

2) How long should I cycle? 3 weeks, 4 weeks? And is doing 10mg the first 2 days, then jumping to 20mg (2 pills - one in morning, one around 5pm) good?

3) Diet. Should I consume protein off the wall? Should I watch carbs? Whats the recommended calorie intake?

4) I do 5 day split training. Here's my basic workout.
Wednesday-Biceps/Chest (again)
...Is this enough, and/or enough training?

and finally...

5) Is Nolvadex needed for PCT? Why? How do you take it?

Thanks so much for your time everyone.
