Hi guys....new to the board. Long time powerlifter...now 38 and started lifting heavy again after a 5 year "break" about 2 years ago. Although I am stronger than ever....age is starting to catch up with my joints (knee and Shoulder mainly). Anyway as such I started taking joint supps. Currently I take SuperCissus, Fish oil and just recently switched from Glucosamine Chondroitn MSM combo to "move free" which contains the same but adds 3.3 mg per serving of Hyaluronic Acid. I think this Acid is making my skin itch but not sure if that is what is causing it. I have what looks like little flea bites all over--arms, stomach, back-- legs----anyone else have this issue??

This started before I started on a new cycle a week ago (Sust 325, Tren and Winnies) .

Other supps I take are Whey Protein after workout, Casin Protein B4 Bed, Glutmine, Creatine, BCAA's while training, Flaxseed oil and a Multi Vit.

Thanks in Advance for your feedback