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  1. #1
    Andy is offline Associate Member
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    Time Release Designer Protein.

    Anyone use this stuff?
    I just bought one of the family size chuggers.
    Been drinking one with 1% in the morning and before bed.
    Supposed to be up to 8 hour release of protein.
    Anyone seen any tests done on this stuff.
    Tastes pretty good at any rate :P

  2. #2
    painintheazz's Avatar
    painintheazz is offline Anabolic Member
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    I haven't seen any tests done on it but I know Keightly has used it before and had good results with it. Maybe he can jump in and give his opinion.


  3. #3
    Decoder's Avatar
    Decoder is offline Banned
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    why the hell would you want time released protien? when you want it absorbed as fast as possible?

  4. #4
    Andy is offline Associate Member
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    You was`nt the brightest light in the Christmas tree was you

  5. #5
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Originally posted by Decoder
    why the hell would you want time released protien? when you want it absorbed as fast as possible?
    There are times when you do want it more timed release for a longer positive nitrogen balance. Before bed and through out the day are examples. You want a fast absorbing Whey when you know you are hitting a negative nitrogen balance and going catabolic - like first thing in the morning or right after training. Casein has been shown to be superior to Whey for it's slower release ability... although it's BV is much lower.

  6. #6
    PHATCAT's Avatar
    PHATCAT is offline Associate Member
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    There are proteins out there that are desiged to be utilized over a period of time but its more to do with the type of proteins I.E. whey Isolate protein being the fastest absorbed than on to concentrated and then onto egg eblum and into solid foods as protein sources. But idea is to have some source of protein availible over the duration until the next feeding. What you dont want is to do somthing like consume all whey Isolate because the body would burn through that to fast espesially as a post workout drink and then the remainder of the time you would be lacking in a protein source and your body needs that to feed your muscles if it doesnt have it you go catibolic feeding on your own muscle tissue which is a protein source!!! Visious Circle Of Life!!! Master it and change your Physical Image!!!! No different than Knowing how Anabolics work with your body or against it !!!!!!! Yes ON a cycle your body is burning in the upwards amount of 6000 or more calories. Are you feeding the machine or are you Letting it FEED on its self !!! Negative results!!!!

  7. #7
    Keightly's Avatar
    Keightly is offline Junior Member
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    i think the stuff is great, i have had awesome results with it, i have notced and increase in stregth and alittle lean mass, great before bed protein when cutting or just i general. i would highly reccomend it!

  8. #8
    Decoder's Avatar
    Decoder is offline Banned
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    I took night charger protien didn't notice a damn thing.

  9. #9
    jeffylyte's Avatar
    jeffylyte is offline Member
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    i find its much cheaper and better tasting to eat a couple of protein bars loaded with casein right before bed. anyway, im bored and thought id weigh in

  10. #10
    yellows2k is offline Member
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    If you want slower absorbing protein, if I am not mistaken, isn't food the slowest to digest? SO why not eay whole food before bedtime if you want the time release stuff?

  11. #11
    Decoder's Avatar
    Decoder is offline Banned
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    exactly yellow that's my point!

  12. #12
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Originally posted by yellows2k
    If you want slower absorbing protein, if I am not mistaken, isn't food the slowest to digest? SO why not eay whole food before bedtime if you want the time release stuff?
    All this stuff really is, is food. Whey and casein are from milk - Whey is about 10 percent of milk, Casein makes up the other 90 percent. But a glass of milk before bed adds too much sugar - and unless it is Skim Milk - saturated fats as well. Myoplex for example is about 70/30, Casein/Whey (I think) and has no added sugars or fats at a 42 gram protein serving size. So a Myoplex (which also has guar gum to slow absorbtion) at night would be much better than about 5 glasses of milk...

    You are right that whole foods would digest slower because they are in their entirety - whey isolates will absorb real fast. Plus, most whole food protein sources contain added fat that also slows the absorbtion rate.

    But the best thing obviously is to add supplemental protein to whole foods, for example a scoop or two of protein with 2 tbsp of peanut butter (healthy fats, which will slow protein release in the stomach) in some slow-cooking oats.

  13. #13
    painintheazz's Avatar
    painintheazz is offline Anabolic Member
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    Originally posted by Warrior

    But the best thing obviously is to add supplemental <a href="" target="_blank">protein</a> to whole foods, for example a scoop or two of <a href="" target="_blank">protein</a> with 2 tbsp of peanut butter (healthy fats, which will slow <a href="" target="_blank">protein</a> release in the stomach) in some slow-cooking oats.

    Don't forget you can throw in some fiber supps to help slow it down even more. All my friends think I have bowel problems because I have fiber supplements. haha They will never understand so I don't even bother.


  14. #14
    Andy is offline Associate Member
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    Hey guys think it will make a big diff for me to switch my nightly bed shakes to skim as opposed to 1%?

    And had to comment here. Food absorbs slower, but this stuff is supposed to have an 8 hour release.

    I dont have any technical stats here (Warrior probably does hehe), but food doesnt digest that slow. errr does it?

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