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  1. #1
    zabster151's Avatar
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    B12 shoot or pill

    i was thinking about getting some B12 was not sure what was better shot or B12 pill?

  2. #2's Avatar is offline Junior Member
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    I believe the pill isn't digested fully so the shot would be much better.

  3. #3
    zabster151's Avatar
    zabster151 is offline Member
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    how often ed? and why would i take this i do nut understand is it just for energy boost and red blood cell?

  4. #4
    Stephen73ta's Avatar
    Stephen73ta is offline Associate Member
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    Is injectable b12 obtained through a doctor? I want to get some..

  5. #5
    Flix is offline New Member
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    I'm interested in this too. I've taken a B vitamin pill for a long time, but only recently found out most of it isn't absorbed.

  6. #6
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    I too am interested. Oral is possible, if you like gulping pills on a regular basis. Tablets are difficult for the body to absorb. Capsules are better. But I've been reading, and the schedule I'm thinking about, is a monthly injection.

    If someone here can give an explanation why as a pill, the body can't fully absorb sufficient amounts to be comparable to an injection?

  7. #7
    MrGreen's Avatar
    MrGreen is offline Member
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    You can order injectable B-12 from ar-r and its good stuff been taking it for months. My girl didnt want me to pin her but after the first week of taking it she is all about it once a week

  8. #8
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrGreen View Post
    You can order injectable B-12 from ar-r and its good stuff been taking it for months. My girl didnt want me to pin her but after the first week of taking it she is all about it once a week
    yes they do, now that I checked.... here is the link:

    Question? How many doses do you get per vial? And what injection schedule to you follow? I didn't see much info when i looked.

    (I just contacted ar-r and asked them a similar question)
    Last edited by Times Roman; 11-15-2010 at 04:33 PM.

  9. #9
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Injectable is far better, when i was bulking I would use 1000mcg daily and I found this dose just right

  10. #10
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Injectable is far better, when i was bulking I would use 1000mcg daily and I found this dose just right
    I had to zoom in 400x to see the label. 1000mcg = 1ml and the vial is 30ml. So check my math (sanity test)
    $36 / 30 daily doses = $1.20/day

    So let me ask you.... are there "time release" or esther versions for less frequent injections?

    and is this IM or Sub Q?

    and you also said when you were bulking. What about just dosing for "optimal" health. I'm getting older and my bulking goals are becoming a lower priority.

  11. #11
    scotty51312's Avatar
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    I've used it at that same dose every 3 days and had a great energy level while on cycle. Heres an article about injectable vs oral b12 keep in mind this is written from a MD perspective and not from a bodybuilder perspective.


    Vitamin B12: injectable versus oral

    Vitamin B12 is used therapeutically, both to correct vitamin B12 deficiency and for its apparent pharmacological effects. The vitamin is available in various forms for either oral or parenteral (typically intramuscular) administration. Preparations designed for sublingual or intranasal administration are also available, but they are relatively expensive and there is not much research on their use.

    There appears to be some confusion among practitioners of natural medicine about whether oral or intramuscular administration is preferable for patients requiring vitamin B12 therapy. For the treatment of pernicious anemia, either method of treatment is acceptable. Although oral treatment is not common in the United States, as many as 40% of patients in Sweden with pernicious anemia are treated orally. Despite their lack of intrinsic factor and gastric hydrochloric acid, patients with pernicious anemia are capable of absorbing an average of 1.2% of an orally administered dose of cyanocobalamin._1 An oral dose of 100-250 mcg/day will maintain adequate serum vitamin B12 levels in most patients with pernicious anemia, although some patients may require as much as 1,000 mcg/day. Therefore, patients with pernicious anemia who are being treated with oral vitamin B12 are generally advised to take 1,000 mcg/day. For those with newly diagnosed pernicious anemia, some doctors recommend an oral dose of 2,000 mcg/day (or injections) during the first month, in order to replenish body stores.

    A year’s supply of 1,000-mcg vitamin B12 tablets costs under $20, which is less than the cost of going to the doctor’s office at least four times a year for injections. On the other hand, patients who are likely to be noncompliant with oral therapy should be seen regularly by a doctor and treated with intramuscular injections.

    When vitamin B12 is being used for its pharmacological effects, as in the treatment of fatigue, Bell’s palsy, diabetic neuropathy, subdeltoid bursitis, or asthma, intramuscular injections appear to be preferable to oral administration. Although there is little published research in this area, clinical observations suggest that orally administered vitamin B12 is not particularly effective against these conditions. It appears that supraphysiological serum concentrations are usually needed for vitamin B12 to exert its pharmacological effects, and that these serum concentrations can be achieved only with parenteral administration.

    Some writers have argued that vitamin B12 injections are unnecessary, citing a study that claimed oral vitamin B12 (2,000 mcg/day) produces higher serum vitamin B12 levels than intramuscular injections.2_ However, in that study, the serum concentrations were measured one month after the last intramuscular injection was given, whereas the oral doses were being taken daily during that time. Interestingly, although this study was published in a specialty journal (Blood), it contained the following disclaimer: “The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked ‘advertisement’ in accordance with 18 U.S.C. section 1734 solely to indicate this fact.” Although the study did confirm that oral vitamin B12 is effective for the treatment of vitamin B12 deficiency (including pernicious anemia), it did not compare oral and intramuscular administration with respect to their short-term (1-7 days) effects on serum levels. Consequently, this study cannot be used to justify the claim that oral vitamin B12 produces the same pharmacological effect as does intramuscular vitamin B12.

    In summary, experimental and clinical evidence indicate that either oral or parenteral therapy can be used effectively for the treatment of vitamin B12 deficiency. However, when vitamin B12 is being used for its pharmacological effects, in the vast majority of cases only parenteral administration appears to be effective.

    Alan R. Gaby, MD

    1. Lederle FA. Oral cobalamin for pernicious anemia. Medicine's best kept secret? JAMA 1991;265:94-95

    2. Kuzminski AM , et al. Effective treatment of cobalamin deficiency with oral cobalamin. Blood 1998;92:1191-1198.

  12. #12
    Flix is offline New Member
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    Thanks for that post scotty. Good stuff.

  13. #13
    zabster151's Avatar
    zabster151 is offline Member
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    very good guys,thanx

  14. #14
    jypoll's Avatar
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    by injecting V B12 it will bypass your liver, whereas Orally it will go through your liver once before it can circulate your body. I am not sure how much your liver will degrade the B12, but obviously by injecting and bypassing the first go through your liver it can only be more potent

  15. #15
    Sicko's Avatar
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    Oral b-12 has never given me a noticable increase in energy or overall well being..But inject b-12 makes me feel on top of the world.Rarely get sick whilst on it.It is my understanding that you have to give yourself breaks as not to have diminished effects from to much in the system.This was told to me by my buds girlfriend who is a RN..Dont have any facts to base it on just what was told to me.

  16. #16
    Natureboy71's Avatar
    Natureboy71 is offline Associate Member
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    Taking the 1000mg shot EOD or E3D works great. If you take the oral, you need to get the 1200mg tabs and take two of them. About half of it is absorbed by the liver so order to get the 1000mg from the oral you need this much. It's water soluble so no worries IMO. I have tried it both ways when on cycle. Not sure if the shot just hits you faster so you feel more energized and increase in appetite or it is the fact of injecting gives you a placebo effect
    I personally don't think you need to inject if your levels are decent.

  17. #17
    Pkk is offline Junior Member
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    I'm liking the sound of this I'll have to do some more research on b12.

  18. #18
    Natureboy71's Avatar
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    Do a search on here. There are dozens of threads on it.

  19. #19
    Pkk is offline Junior Member
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    ive found a bit of info on it, i found it hard to search. b12 is to short lol and when i tryed b12 injection ect couldnt really find much.

  20. #20
    38jumper38's Avatar
    38jumper38 is offline Senior Member
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    I took b12 inject for 6 months, once a week to boost metabolism and help me to loose some weigh, I went from 175 lbs (25% BF) to 149 lbs (14% BF) just follow a diet with most fat free ingredients and a lot off cardio.

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