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  1. #1
    Bauman11b is offline New Member
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    Ft. Bragg, NC

    In need of some answers from the EXPERTS

    hey whats going on yall? im in desperate need of some advice from the people that know what the heck will work for me (thats yall!)

    alright, imma start back in 07. i flipped my truck and broke a TON of stuff...3 virtibrea, 5 ribs, collar bone, both sides of my face had broken eye socket and broken jaw in at least 2 places. i sat in a chair for 4 months and my weight rocketed to almost 300lbs (297 to be exact)

    i started to bike everywhere...i dropped enough weight to re-enlist in the military and go do all that "fun" shit everyone talks about. while in transit to Ranger Batt, i got hurt tearing my rotator cuff, pectoral muscle, bicep tendon and my scapula muscle on the left side, same side i done messed up before.

    now, almost 2 years later and after having been deployed i am despseratly trying to get into the shape that I wanna see myself at. i have maintained my weight at under 190 for the last 6 months and i am currently at 176. i am trying simply to tone and shred. i have no desire to be big, my job just wont allow it for what i do.

    Here is what i need...

    - i have tried all kinds of supplements...hydroxycut, lipo 6x, nano vapor, N.O Blast, Lean EFX, Oxy Elite Pro, cellmass...pretty much anything you can get at GNC or off of i have tried. i want to try something like winnie to simpley cut and get solid. any suggestions on that?!

    - my job requires a LOT of running. we run 6 miles mon, wens, friday, with upper body on tuesday and ruckmarching on thursdays. i need something that is not going to mess with me too much to the point i cant run...if there is anything that will help me increase run time that would be awesome

    - what, if anything can yall recommend??

    i know about 98% of you will prob laugh when yall read this...not gonna lie, i have NO clue about roids, but i am not afraid to ask and take advice!!!

    - i am currently on a meal plan preparing for a high intensity meals are chicken breast, or lean meat turkey burger every 2 hours. i mix in protein shakes as well, and i take one right away when i wake up (about 0445) and one before bed (normally around 2200-2230)


  2. #2
    Lnh is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    You're missing:
    How long have you been seriously training again?

    Also you have a ton to read. This subforum is just for supps, not gear. Head to the Anabolic steroids subforum at the top of the page and read every sticky you can, at least twice. By then you'll have a much better grasp on what ur wanting to do and will get a lot more help. Then repost ur question in that section with everything u just said plus the stats above. Also ur gonna want to look into anavar , maybe anavar with test and/or clen'll probably best fit ur needs. There's quite a few threads where people have the same goals as you. The clen could really screw a lot with you though.

    Read those stickies and do a search for the anavar or var and you'll learn a ton.

    Btw my cousin is at ft least last I heard.
    Last edited by Lnh; 12-04-2010 at 01:59 PM. Reason: damn droid spellcheck

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