Hello all! Been doing some research here and was interested in beginning a cycle of M-Drol br CEL. Was wondering is anyone here would be willing to share their personal experience with this product or tell me if its even worth it. Been hearing a lot of mixed reviews on the net from people but, a good majority of them seem to be from a while back, some of them as far back as 4 years ago. It is my understanding that this particular supplement has undergone modification to infact make it legal?? I wasnt under the impression that it was actually steriods ..and another product exists by the same company called H-Drol..whats the differences here?? Just really confused as to what route to travel here. As far as stats go, I am 32 yrs, 6'5" 255 lbs, call it 18% bf. Goals are to gain size and strength over the winter, and start shredding it off by say the latter part of april..any and all input would be appreciated..Thanks!