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  1. #1
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Heteropterys Aphrodisiaca for joints

    BMC Complement Altern Med. 2011 Jun 28;11(1):51. [Epub ahead of print]

    More Resistant Tendons Obtained from the Association of Heteropterys aphrodisiaca and Endurance Training.

    Monteiro JC, Gomes ML, Tomiosso TC, Nakagaki WR, Sbervelheri MM, Ferrucci DL, Pimentel ER, Dolder H.

    ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Popular Brazilian medicine uses Heteropterys aphrodisiaca infusion as a tonic or stimulant, for the treatment of nervous debility and breakdown and for muscle and bone weakness. This study investigated the effects of Heteropterys aphrodisiaca infusion on the tendon properties and extracellular matrix of rats under endurance training. Methods: Wistar rats were grouped as follows: CS- control sedentary, HS- H. aphrodisiaca sedentary, CT-control trained, HT- H. aphrodisiaca trained. The training protocol consisted in running on a motorized treadmill, five times a week, with weekly increase in treadmill speed and duration. Control groups received water while the HS and HT groups received H. aphrodisiaca infusion, daily, by gavage for the 8 weeks of training. Achilles tendons were frozen for biochemical and biomechanical analysis or preserved in Karnovsky's fixative, then processed for histomorphological analysis with light microscopy. Results: Biomechanical analysis showed significant increase in maximum load, maximum stress, modulus of elasticity and stiffness of the HT animals' tendons. The metalloproteinase-2 activity was reduced in the HT group. The compression region of HT animals' tendons had a stronger and more intense metachromasy, which suggests an increase in glycosaminoglycan concentration in this region of the tendon. The most intense birefringence was observed in both compression and tension regions of HT animals' tendons, which may indicate a higher organizational level of collagen bundles. The hydroxyproline content increased in the HT group. Conclusions: The association of endurance training with H. aphrodisiaca resulted in more organized collagen bundles and more resistant tendons to support higher loads from intense muscle contraction. Despite the clear anabolic effects of Heteropterys aphrodisiaca and the endurance exercise association, no side effects were observed, such as those found for synthetic anabolic androgenic steroids .

    PMID:21711561[PubMed - as supplied by publisher] Free full text

    Also showed "anabolic effects" though I have not viewed the full paper.

    Heteropterys Aphrodisiaca seems as though it would be benifical to tendons.

    Probably be in a supplement over the counter very soon. Either because its "anabolic" or because of its tenden strengthening effects.

    Heard it here first (study was Jun 2011), I always new I should of been a supplement owner!

  2. #2
    br0cklee is offline New Member
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    Aug 2012

    Not otc yet

    Got tired of waiting for otc so I bought some from Brazil in bulk and drank it as a tea for the past several months.

    My tendon problems are almost gone but the results aren't definitive because I also simultaneously stopped eating wheat and started putting magnesium sulfate in my milk.

    If anyone wants a try, I put it on ebay at cost. Really want to see if it works for others.

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