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  1. #1
    MikeRazz's Avatar
    MikeRazz is offline Junior Member
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    Wherever the Army says

    suggestions anyone?

    can i get some suggestions from you guys on something for joints? doesnt need to be anything fancy just something to lube them up a little bit, thanks

  2. #2
    sizzlechest's Avatar
    sizzlechest is offline Member
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    Joint juice. Costco has it. Mother in law swears by it. lol.

  3. #3
    Bryan2's Avatar
    Bryan2 is offline Supplement Guru
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    Takes 3-4 weeks to kick in but really does work especially with the shooting pains doing skull crushers

  4. #4
    boxingfan30 is offline Member
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    I took the Animal Flex for a while... seemed to do pretty well. My Mother had some joint issues and they told her that Cosamin DS was the very best out there.

    I've also read Fish oil can be helpful in that area... especially with inflamation. Obviously also drink plenty of water.

  5. #5
    MikeRazz's Avatar
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    Wherever the Army says
    thanks guys, gonna try out some of those see which one works better for me..just tired of the pain in the knuckle of my elbow. hope something works

  6. #6
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
    jimmyinkedup is offline Disappointment* Known SCAMMER - Do Not Trust *
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    if your joint pain is in one specific location I strongly recommend epharm joint force. It amazing. Its a spray...takes 2-3 weeks of use to kick in but it works wonders for me. There are few supplementsa i tout the use of - but this is definately one of them.

  7. #7
    M302_Imola's Avatar
    M302_Imola is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    if your joint pain is in one specific location I strongly recommend epharm joint force. It amazing. Its a spray...takes 2-3 weeks of use to kick in but it works wonders for me. There are few supplementsa i tout the use of - but this is definately one of them.
    So Jimmy this stuff really works? I have developed some tendonitis in my right elbow in the past few weeks. It really only effects me toward the end of the week (guess it becomes inflammed) and I feel it the most when doing skull crushers. I have since stopped skull crushers but I still feel it on some tricep exercises. Will this epharm joint force help my issue? I know time off and ice will help but taking time off is easier said than done!

  8. #8
    boxingfan30 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by M302_Imola View Post
    So Jimmy this stuff really works? I have developed some tendonitis in my right elbow in the past few weeks. It really only effects me toward the end of the week (guess it becomes inflammed) and I feel it the most when doing skull crushers. I have since stopped skull crushers but I still feel it on some tricep exercises. Will this epharm joint force help my issue? I know time off and ice will help but taking time off is easier said than done!
    I can't do skull crushers with my bad shoulder, but oddly enough I can do overhead tricep extensions. I also get that pain in my elbow. I have to use a light weight like 10 lbs or something a few times for 10-15 reps just to get it ready for the heavier weight. Even with that I reach across and hold my elbow with the other hand to keep it stable and focus on NOTHING but my form (which I lacked as a younger and more inexperienced lifter). I'll tell you this though... the triceps have gotten some pretty decent growth. I'm not taking any kind of joint stuff right now... usually an asprin right after my workout to help with any inflammation that may be wanting to pop up... and being the old man I am I always use ice on my elbows and tris after they cool off just a little.

  9. #9
    M302_Imola's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by boxingfan30 View Post
    I can't do skull crushers with my bad shoulder, but oddly enough I can do overhead tricep extensions. I also get that pain in my elbow. I have to use a light weight like 10 lbs or something a few times for 10-15 reps just to get it ready for the heavier weight. Even with that I reach across and hold my elbow with the other hand to keep it stable and focus on NOTHING but my form (which I lacked as a younger and more inexperienced lifter). I'll tell you this though... the triceps have gotten some pretty decent growth. I'm not taking any kind of joint stuff right now... usually an asprin right after my workout to help with any inflammation that may be wanting to pop up... and being the old man I am I always use ice on my elbows and tris after they cool off just a little.
    I feel ya bro! I stopped skull crushers awhile back due to shoulder issues as well. I nursed my shoulders back to health (knock on wood) and have since incorporated skulls back in until a few weeks ago when my right elbow started giving me fits. I feel ya on getting Def. have to train smarter! It's funny that you can get away with overhead extensions. I use to do them with my back straight in which there was so shoulder comfort but have since used an incline (set it on a high degree angle) for my tricep extensions with no shoulder discomfort. You should give it a shot: high degree angle incline bench, slide up to the top of the bench (let your head hang over the top just a little bit, grab a heavy dumbbell and place it on your chest, position your hands around the dumbbell, then lift up and begin your tricep extension. This exercise has made me forget about doing them with my back straight...won't go back to it.

  10. #10
    M302_Imola's Avatar
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    OP, sorry for ranting and getting alittle off topic there. Your best bet for joint relief is glucosamine, fish oil, and cissus. This has worked for me for years and even worked when I was on oral winstrol (known to be horrible on your joints since it dries you out).

  11. #11
    MikeRazz's Avatar
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    Wherever the Army says
    someone reccomended a cortison shot, yes or no?

  12. #12
    Maddawg is offline Junior Member
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    Any time you deal with corticosteroids, it's only a short term fix. It depends what your goal is, if you wanna go get stuck with a big ass needle every 4 months, then so be it. It may be a good idea though to get you through mass season or through the rest of a cycle. Definitely glucosamine/chondroitin/msm to help out with it. White willow bark and curcumin can also help with pain and inflammation. Also, if you do your nosebusters on cables with an incline bench, it takes most of the stress off your elbows.

  13. #13
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    Wherever the Army says
    thanks guys, its not so bad that i cant lift just very bothersome depending on the exercise. im not gonna get the cortison shot though ive heard because it basically numbs the area you can actually damage it worse or permanently so im gonna pick up some of the products you all have mentioned, thanks.

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