Ok so I was given this supplement as a bday present. My weight loss goal is to lose between 6kg - 8kg in ~8 weeks.

Directions on the bottle reads, 1-2 caps twice daily on empty stomach, but with everything i take the lowest amount and build my way up.

Been trainning for many years. My current workout is weights 5 days on with 18 min cardio (cross trainner) post workout.

Always clean, ratio would be 70/20/10, I try avoid simple sugars as much as possible.

Week 1:
Took 1 tab on a empty stomach in the morning. 20mins later I had pre workout meal (1/4 cup oats + shake). 90mins from taking 1 tab, im at the gym.

I did my usual weight training workout followed by 18min cross-trainner. I did this for 5 days straight. This is my usual trainning workout.

Checked weight by end of week 1, and lost 1.1kg.

What I did notice, is that when doing my workout's and cardio, I was more focused and determined to go hard. I started to sweat alot more than normal and when doing the cross trainner, it was dripping.

Week 2:
Took 2 tab on a empty stomach in the morning. 20mins later I had pre workout meal. 90 mins from taking 1 tab, I’m at the gym.

Did my usual workout plus cardio and noticed by the end of that week, I lost 1.9kg.

So my total loss was 3kg in 2 weeks.

Be aware, without the help of this supplement my weight stayed roughly the same , as I been doing this workout routine for few weeks prior to taking hot-rox.

This product made me want to push and go harder when doing weights. Increased sweat 5x. Heart rate naturally went higher than normal when doing weights/ cardio. Even when I was at work, I was sweating more than normal throughout the day.

Overall, this product does want it promises, and that’s to lose weight! I didn’t go anymore than 2 tabs a day as I was losing the amount of weight I wanted to lose each week.