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  1. #1
    HeavyHitter's Avatar
    HeavyHitter is offline Anabolic Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    New York

    BRAIN POWER- Help with supple stack

    Hey fellas,

    I put together a supplement mixture that focuses mostly on brain function, help with depression, and growth of course. Every night before I go to bed I have...

    5g Gaba
    1g Tyrosine AKG Powder
    1g Arginine Pyroglutamate w/ Lysine
    50mg DHEA
    1g Taurine

    and then in the morning...

    1g Arginine Pyroglutamate w/ Lysine
    1g Tyrosine AKG Powder
    2g Arginine powder
    Ultra EFA
    Protein Powder- not sure the name brand (Vit Shop) Has BCAA's and much more
    table spoon peanut butter
    50mg DHEA

    Can anyone give me some details on this? Doses? Pros/Cons about any supplement? (in particular about gaba,arg pyro and tyro akg) Anything else to add for brain functions and anti-depression (depression was caused from opiate addiction, took to many pain killers for my hip surgery)

    I am 5'10 190lbs 32yrs old
    i am taking 200mg test and 100mg deca a week.
    My surgery was over 3 months ago.
    Doing an extremely light cycle for collagen synthesis to help bones right now
    also adding albuterol with keto soon!



  2. #2
    HeavyHitter's Avatar
    HeavyHitter is offline Anabolic Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    New York

  3. #3
    viking88 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    not too sound rude, but your the one taking the sups my dude, why dont you tell us how they work out?

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