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Thread: PH question

  1. #1
    ProFB23 is offline New Member
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    PH question

    Hey everyone my buddy and I have been researching a prohormone called deca fire from what I've heard it's really good. I had some concerns though, you could read reviews all day but i was told that this is the best place to come to get advice from people with real experience. First off is this a good PH if not what would be better and second im a little concerned with losing alot of size after the cycle anything that could help me maintain some size? Thank you for anyone taking the time to help me out. This would be my first cycle of anything by the way.

  2. #2
    traindude is offline Junior Member
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    From what I have learned,AAS is better than PH.There are people will tell you just go AAS.

  3. #3
    Ashop's Avatar
    Ashop is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ProFB23 View Post
    Hey everyone my buddy and I have been researching a prohormone called deca fire from what I've heard it's really good. I had some concerns though, you could read reviews all day but i was told that this is the best place to come to get advice from people with real experience. First off is this a good PH if not what would be better and second im a little concerned with losing alot of size after the cycle anything that could help me maintain some size? Thank you for anyone taking the time to help me out. This would be my first cycle of anything by the way.
    Whats the active ingredients. Most of the effective 'PHs' have already been removed from most shelves.

  4. #4
    papa-g's Avatar
    papa-g is offline Member
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    I have heard of this. And you want the truth and Ill tell you the truth. It is "supposed" (as ive never tried it) to be highly effective. Ive read reviews in the past and they all say that some great gain can be had, HOWEVER you have to consider a few things. Diet and training are the first big things that come to mind. If you dont eat right and train hard then gains will come and go or may not show up at all. Now for some bad news. PH's are typically very harsh on your body. in other words there are some serious side effects. The main ones are lowering or shutting down your natural TEST, Bloating, Dry joints, LIVER toxicity, sever back pumps, and lethargy. These are just a few that come to mind. I have tried several PH's when I was younger and wish i never did. The product you are referring to is especially harsh on the body as it is not 1 but 3 different compounds combined in to one pill. It is probably the most toxic PH left out there if you can find it. All in all, PH's are a cheap alternative to AAS but are nothing to just mess around with. All the bottles promise these are the best things out there and they are not harmful and that is complete Bull$hit!

    Now, if you've read all that then you also need to know that you are at an age (21) where lots of food and good solid training will get you further then anything sold in a bottle. Best of luck and Please keep reading this board. Tons of great info here for young guys.

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