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  1. #1
    beefy_bod's Avatar
    beefy_bod is offline Associate Member
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    Lactic acid buildup

    Hey there got a Q for y'all, I know glutamate helps from getting lactic acid buildup, but a bit confused about acid buildup what is the effect of this? Was wanting to get some info, does it stop from muscle growing, stop recovery, hold fat?? need help lol thanks!

  2. #2
    Armykid93's Avatar
    Armykid93 is offline Productive Member
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    I believe the biggest negative effect of lactic acid build up is muscle pain/stiffness

  3. #3
    beefy_bod's Avatar
    beefy_bod is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Armykid93
    I believe the biggest negative effect of lactic acid build up is muscle pain/stiffness
    Ohh ok thanks bro

  4. #4
    Armykid93's Avatar
    Armykid93 is offline Productive Member
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    No problem, something to research for sure though

  5. #5
    Turkish Juicer's Avatar
    Turkish Juicer is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by beefy_bod View Post
    Hey there got a Q for y'all, I know glutamate helps from getting lactic acid buildup, but a bit confused about acid buildup what is the effect of this? Was wanting to get some info, does it stop from muscle growing, stop recovery, hold fat?? need help lol thanks!
    On the contrary, lactic acid is the key to muscle growth.

  6. #6
    M302_Imola's Avatar
    M302_Imola is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Make sure you're breathing properly during your workout as a more anaerobic environment induces more lactic acid buildup often leading to more soreness. Like TJ said, lactic acid is the key to muscle growth but excess is not good.

  7. #7
    Armykid93's Avatar
    Armykid93 is offline Productive Member
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    In what way is it good

  8. #8
    Turkish Juicer's Avatar
    Turkish Juicer is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Lactic acid is the key – and here’s why

    If you end a power training session with a short, explosive exercise so that your muscles produce extra lactic acid [structural formula shown below], it’s likely to increase your natural testosterone production. We, the ever-alert compilers of this web magazine, deduce this from a Taiwanese cell study published in 2001 in the Journal of Cellular Biochemistry. The study shows that lactic acid increases testosterone production through the Leydig cells.

    Power training raises testosterone levels . The researchers wanted to know more about how this works, so they focused on the Leydig cells in the testes. These are the cells that convert cholesterol into testosterone under the influence of LH and FSH.

    The researchers added increasing concentrations of lactic acid to the rats’ Leydig cells that they had put into test tubes. By way of comparison they also exposed the cells to LH. The figure below shows that the Leydig cells produce more male hormone, the higher the concentration of lactic acid, but that LH does not have as great a stimulatory effect as lactic acid.

    Click image for larger version. 

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    The researchers write that they did trials with higher concentrations than those shown in the figure. But then the effect was reversed, and testosterone production went down.

    The researchers also exposed the cells to substances like forskolin, which stimulates cAMP. CAMP is a second messenger, a molecule that passes on signals from activated receptors to the cells. This effect more or less disappeared, which led the researchers to conclude that lactic acid works in the same way as cAMP does.

    Click image for larger version. 

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    In other experiments the Taiwanese discovered that lactic acid is active mainly in the first phases of testosterone biosynthesis. Lactic acid has little effect if you give Leydig cells testosterone precursors like androstenedione and progesterone. But lactic acid does increase the production of StAR protein. This is a protein that brings cholesterol into cells, where it is converted into steroid hormones.

    The Taiwanese study is interesting for natural athletes who want to optimise their muscle building. The more your power training stimulates testosterone production, the better your muscle bulk and power results will be.

    Source:J Cell Biochem. 2001 Jun 26-Jul 25;83(1):147-54.


  9. #9
    Turkish Juicer's Avatar
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    Lactic acid as testosterone booster supplement

    Lactic acid [structural formula shown below] is released during short, intensive bursts of activity. And after short, intensive exertion the body also produces more testosterone . So is there a relationship between the two phenomena? Yes, said the Taiwanese researchers we wrote about a few days ago. Testosterone producing Leydig cells work harder if they are if they are exposed to lactic acid, they discovered. And there’s another study along similar lines, done in 1997, which showed that giving lactic acid to non-active animals has the same effect.

    The researchers made adult male rats swim for ten minutes and then measured the concentrations of lactic acid, testosterone and LH in their blood. The results are shown below.

    Click image for larger version. 

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    The lactic acid level rose, as did the LH and testosterone levels . But to what extent are the last two effects the result of the first? The researchers found more lactic acid in the rats’ testes after the swimming session, but that fact alone doesn’t tell us much. To find out more the researchers put the lab rats on a lactic acid drip for ten minutes, in an attempt to replicate the concentrations they found when the rats went swimming.

    Click image for larger version. 

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    The rise in LH was minimal. Nevertheless the researchers think that lactic acid doesn’t only have an effect on the testes, but also has a more widespread effect through testosterone stimulating hormones. They base their argument on a test tube study on cells from the hypothalamus. After the cells had been marinated for half an hour in lactic acid there was a rise in the production of GnRH, the hormone that induces the pituitary to make FSH and LH.

    Click image for larger version. 

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    Now suppose that humans are just as responsive as the Taiwanese lab rats. And suppose that you could take lactic acid orally. Wouldn’t lactic acid be an interesting testosterone booster for athletes? And don’t forget, the chance of side effects is nil and the stuff is dirt-cheap: companies use it as filler.

    Source:Med Sci Sports Exerc. 1997 Aug;29(8):1048-54.


  10. #10
    Armykid93's Avatar
    Armykid93 is offline Productive Member
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    Awesome info! Short explosive set would be like 5 to 8 rep range?

  11. #11
    0504901 is offline New Member
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    I could be wrong but I think I have read that citrulline malate helps with lac acid problems.

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