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  1. #1
    BuzzardMarinePumper's Avatar
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    Sure been asked before ; but could not find a thread Does Brand of Protein matter

    When Buyung a 2 lb or 5 lb tub of protein does the brand matter as long as it is Whey Protein ?

    Are all brands close to equal if the outside label states 60 grams of protein per scoop and in a 2 lb tub ?

    No matter what the stated grams of protein why do some say 25 grams in a scoop and be in a 2 lb tub and others say 45 grams per scoop and still be in a 2 lb tub ?

    How do I judge quality ?

  2. #2
    Mp859's Avatar
    Mp859 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Some brands use alot of fillers and some don't. Stick to a tried and true brand. I personally use ON 100% whey and will never switch

  3. #3
    BuzzardMarinePumper's Avatar
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    is ON a brand ?

  4. #4
    BuzzardMarinePumper's Avatar
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    I buy online from Vitacost and I refuse to buy from GNC if I can find aa product anywhere else due to all the high pticed bunk they push !

  5. #5
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Some have bigger scoops than others. Some have higher protein content % wise! than others.

    I wouldn't touch anything much less than 80% whey.

    But don't overthink it, just hit your macro's.

  6. #6
    Psaletta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzardMarinePumper
    is ON a brand ?
    Yes. ON= optimum nutrition and it's probably the best and cleanest out there. 5 pounds will run ya around $40

  7. #7
    Sfla80's Avatar
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    If you add your own ingridents ie: banana, berries, natty pb. The best way to go imo is NOW brand protein non flavired. Only has one ingrident...protein. 100% pure.

  8. #8
    BuzzardMarinePumper's Avatar
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    Thanks a ton guys and & gals ? Not sure if any gals commeted ? I got from this that NOW is the cleanest and at $40.00 for 5 lbs that is a very reasonable price !

    I have been buying brand sold by Wal-Mart claims on lable are 100% Whey and also on the lable when you read it it states that a serving size is a scoop and = 45 grams per scoop ? To much with my egg whites ? Since body can only digest 30 grams of protein per hr ?

    I am fortunate and live in the country and we have to many eggs so , I add 4 egg whites and remove yellows with water bottle per shake ! I have been eating probably not exact proper % of Macros but Target 75% protein 15% Fat and 10% Carbs 0 added sodiun and no processed foods or cannned at 54 and on TRT I have supplemented a lot of protein shakes to loose fat and I seem to have matained muscle for the most part . over 12 mths I have lost appxly. 38 lbs of fat content and went from 266 to now hoovering around 225 lbs and with clothes on look skinny and have upper body size and decent bicepts size !

    Trouble is after 30 years on no extra exercise I have a not even a belly roll ; just a fat patch right in front of my lower flexors that will not seem to go away for the life of me and that is riding a bike 5 miles a day and 400 crunches a day ?

    Does protein give me that little fat patch ? No longer have side handles and belly button starting to look kinda kewl ? Doe it just take time to get rid of that last say 5 to 10 lbs of visable fat cells ?

    I am medium vascular and hard but yes still have tose hidden fat pockets that I assume most ppl have a very small one the back side of my under arm and a tiny one at my inner bicept crease and the belly fat patch past that I am happy with my year of fat loose and matained muscle ! Don't have a Oct. Pic but better than August pick and like I said looked skinny at 6 ft and 229 in the pic ? So is it possible that now at about 3000 cals a day of clean food that is to many calories even if mostly protein ?
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 10-06-2013 at 08:01 AM.

  9. #9
    LT75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psaletta View Post
    Yes. ON= optimum nutrition and it's probably the best and cleanest out there. 5 pounds will run ya around $40
    And what would make them the best? Better than GNC wheybolic? ON makes wheybolic for GNC and a couple other private label products. Why better than Isopure? Isopure has been around longer and actually has a better reputation. Why not support a american owned company? ON is foreign owned now. They company that bought them bought BSN and ABB too. Tony and Micheal Costello(foundres of ON then sold to Glanbia of Europe) are out of their 5 year no compete contract now after selling the company. They are coming out with a new protein company that they say will be better than the old ON. So is ON not that good anymore? Not to the old owners? They founded the company they should know right?
    Last edited by LT75; 10-06-2013 at 07:58 PM.

  10. #10
    BuzzardMarinePumper's Avatar
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    Is brand of protein really that complex and can you even believe what you read on the lable ? I don't know if protein is FDA regulated ? SOOOO ?

  11. #11
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    Some are tested. I believe ON, isopure and one or 2 others get their products tested. I have a customer who bought a cheaper product thinking protein is protein. Low and behold the supermarket chain tested the product and found out the truth. I believe it was supposed to have 30g of protein but only had 7g. Fat was 20g and not the 2g it said. So yes you get what you pay for sometimes.

  12. #12
    FONZY007's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LT75
    And what would make them the best? Better than GNC wheybolic? ON makes wheybolic for GNC and a couple other private label products. Why better than Isopure? Isopure has been around longer and actually has a better reputation. Why not support a american owned company? ON is foreign owned now. They company that bought them bought BSN and ABB too. Tony and Micheal Costello(foundres of ON then sold to Glanbia of Europe) are out of their 5 year no compete contract now after selling the company. They are coming out with a new protein company that they say will be better than the old ON. So is ON not that good anymore? Not to the old owners? They founded the company they should know right?
    Lol I work for Leprino foods which owns 51% of Glanbia.. We make protein and it's nasty as shít cuz there are absolutely no fillers

    We where making there protein prior to Glanbia buying the company
    Last edited by FONZY007; 10-07-2013 at 05:34 PM.

  13. #13
    BuzzardMarinePumper's Avatar
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    I promise I am not trolling but am I to understand that NO is the best and there are no other choices ? If the labels lie (are not accurate) how does anyone know what they are getting and my body has changed so much in the past year and I have lost almost 40 lbs and retained and even gained muscle on TRT . My body is to the point that with as many Protein shakes as I depend on that taste does matter and as I stated in a previous post I add 2 to 3 egg whites to each shake and again taste matters . . . .But if ie. Wal - Mart Brand is full of Fats and Carbs that would explain the wall I have hit as far as fat on front of flexors and small amount on oblics I am training 5 days a week and riding a real mountain bike about 10 + miles a day and skip a log chain in my Garage ? Seeking a heavy bag off Craig's List right now ! Ingesting food or shake and supplements every 3 hours , so this small amount of fat has not changed in 3 mths and weight is dropping at an acceptable rate of 3 lbs per mth but arms (Bicepts) a little smaller I have lost my excess fat under my chin and face loosing great amounts of fat also I am 54 and lean hard muscle is goal not size and fat loose major goal lean not massive ? With the calories I am burning and as many protein shakes as I drink is this most likely where I am getting the fat loose issue ? 6 ft 225 lbs and for a man my age 54 compared to the norm I am very lean but not where I am trying to get as my goal ?

    Do I need to do more specific ab work ? Only target abs with 400 crunches every day I train 5 days a week ?
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 10-09-2013 at 11:48 AM.

  14. #14
    Othello's Avatar
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    I think nothing beats natural nutrition in the sense eat meat, poultry, fish, eggs for protein and use the shakes as "fillers" to hit your macros right....I see many people doing the opposite and relying too much on the shakes...well I used to be like that in the past but am changing / have changed a lot since i started my gh cycle in may....

    today I eat lots of grilled chicken breast, raw fish (sashimi), lean steaks...yogurt and eggs...and have probably one or two shakes or prot bars just to fill in the gaps when needed if you track what you eat its easy to keep track of your protein consumption (use a mobile app like myfitnesspal to help you if you cannot do it manually) and this will tell you if u r missing a couple of grams in which case u can supplement with powder when needed.

    as to the type of protein, I agree , the purer the an 85+% pure powder would mean less fillers and other stuff in it and more protein going into your muscles. Isolated whey I believe its called in most brands...

    as for testing, i am sure you have some sort of consumer protection you can turn to in order to validate claims on the tubs label as to nutritional contents ...

  15. #15
    BuzzardMarinePumper's Avatar
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    Thanks for the imput ! I guess I will seek protein in pure form written on the label . I can't justify paying $50.00 for 2 lbs of Whey protein though just because of a name brand ? Especiall since no one really shared anything other than opinions and personal prefrences ? Also even agreed with me that the labels are not to be trusted ? $50.00 to $16.00 leaves a pretty big margirn for error and I can't afford that luxury just to buy a certain brand when there are several no name brands that state on the label or list what the fillers are and the carb / fat protein content claim is for $20.00 a tub . I found on on sale at Dick's Sporting Goods 6 lbs for $50.00

  16. #16
    squid7 is offline New Member
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    i trust optimum nutrition the most. alot of times the scoops are underdosed on low quality protein brands.

  17. #17
    cgi's Avatar
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    You want a protein that is PROCESSED 5the best way as well. Most proteins are ion exchsnge which is the cheapest and lowest wuality, then you have microfiltration and then you have cross flow microfiltration or CFM. I always get CFM whey.

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