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  1. #1
    adrenaline99's Avatar
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    acid reflux remedy?!

    Are there any natural ways to relieve this? Really suffering from it and I don't want to take drugs for it.

  2. #2
    PistolPete33's Avatar
    PistolPete33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You can have a procedure done where they close off part of your stomach so acid doesn't back up. They do it down your throat. Other than that diet will help a little bit by staying away from acidic foods and esp. tomatoes and pizza/pasta sauce along with soda and smoking. I take Priolec ED but new studies show it can cause issues with bone density over the long term

  3. #3
    mk19gunner's Avatar
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    I had acid reflux and when I consumed oral gear (superdrol, Halos, Turinabol , D-bols and Abombs) they would create an inferno in my throat.

    I endured it off and on for a few years and then I said I have to evaluate my diet. When the acid reflux takes off it creates inflammation in the intestines and it reduces digestion of the food you need. Whether your sick or your an athlete you need all the nutrients you can absorb and inflammation in the digestive system is only holding you back.

    The first thing I did was start eliminating all foods that had artificial components in it. I eliminated Margirine, articial sweetners, DIET mountain dew and took out coffee. I quit taking Tums, Rolaids, Milk of Magnesium and Prilosec.

    I added foods that has published information for contributing to a healthy digestive tract. Olive oil, coconut oil, pecan oil, kale, broccoli, walnuts and almond butter, onions and more fish during the week.

    Within 1 week my acid reflux went away and I hadn't completely added in all the foods I listed above just yet. That took about a month in my spare reading time to find those foods.

    I really like the MCTs in coconut oil to assist in fat burning and all the benefits of olive oil. Also cheese. Cheese that have no artificial preservatives and fat free cheese products. I stay away from foods that say it has been processed and had the fat stripped out.

    COFFEE - You can skip this here if you like (I got side tracked):
    I have incorporated coffee again into my daily needs and have had no irritation with it. I add real sugar or Agave or honey for sweetners in my coffee. I really like my coffee before a workout. Especially espressos. Really small espressos before a work out and after a workout. I don't like the caffiene boost to last more than an hour and a half for me. I need to keep my energy up after a workout to jump on all my meals after it.

    Picking back up here:

    The onions and vegetables are natural anti inflammatory foods for the digestive tract. I will not go on and on here about fish and the oils from nuts and olives.... you can read about those. I eat pizza and spaghetti and Mexican food again now and am happy I can enjoy those again.

    Start off by eliminating all drinks and foods that have synthetic additions in them. If you are consuming oral gear and you still get acid reflux you should try taking a spoon of peanut butter or almond butter with the tablets; or some other EFA to swallow with it. Start using olive oil on more meals.

    I do not go near diet sodas anymore! Good luck on your journey and peace!
    Last edited by mk19gunner; 11-08-2013 at 09:43 AM.

  4. #4
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    Calcium carbonate (tums).
    And possible bone density loss from Prilosec should be a non-issue if you're a male who does resistance training and uses anabolic steroids alongside a balanced diet with adequate calcium and vitamin D.

    (all the bolded parts were factors that increase bone density and/or fight bone catabolism)

    Pretty sure osteoporosis is only really a concern among postmenopausal women and the very old/malnourished.
    Last edited by Bonaparte; 11-08-2013 at 11:44 PM.

  5. #5
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Agree with Bona. I could not go a day without generic prilosec. It's a god-send.
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  6. #6
    almostgone's Avatar
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    Although I occasionally still have to down a couple of antacids, I've not had to take omeprazole for awhile. The main culprit causing my indigestion etc. seems to have been my own fault because when I eat, I eat too dang fast.
    I know others suffer from GERD or other intestinal issues and require some type of medicine. However, if you tend to race through your meals ( like I have a bad habit of doing), you may want to try eating a tad slower.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  7. #7
    Ashop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adrenaline99 View Post
    Are there any natural ways to relieve this? Really suffering from it and I don't want to take drugs for it.
    Try Briggs Apple Cider Vinegar,,,do some research on how to take it. Easy and it really works.
    WARNING: Taste is ROUGH but no pain,,no gain

  8. #8
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by ALIN View Post
    Try Briggs Apple Cider Vinegar,,,do some research on how to take it. Easy and it really works.
    WARNING: Taste is ROUGH but no pain,,no gain
    I've read about that protocol, just never tried it.
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  9. #9
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ALIN View Post
    Try Briggs Apple Cider Vinegar,,,do some research on how to take it. Easy and it really works.
    WARNING: Taste is ROUGH but no pain,,no gain
    It's Bragg's.

  10. #10
    trigger happy is offline Junior Member
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    I tried all natural everything for years. Nothing worked. My dental bill was $31000AUD. I went and got a prescription for nexium which stops about 70% of acid. I still have to watch what i eat but always have a banana in my first meal for the day.

  11. #11
    Ashop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    It's Bragg's.
    Thank you for the correction.

  12. #12
    cdaddy's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Ok here are my thoughts on this "Acid Reflux" There are obviously different stages. I am not sure how they are categorized but pretty much like this...

    1) Minor, no pains, lasts a few seconds, no sweat!1

    2) Mild, with pains in the chest ( heartburn x 3) last more than 10sec and a couple tums/Rolaids will suffice.

    3) Major pains all along the esophagus region, watery mouth, you grab your chest as it feels like something from the Aliens movie is ready to burst outta ya.

    I have had this for over 10 yrs!! How? Drinking mostly and all those shi**y foods i pout in my system, late nights of pop and video games, etc etc. You get the idea. It became so bad for me i drank one night, had some pizza got up in the morning....puked up nothing but pizza and blood. This is wear my life changed dramatically and now at the unfortunate cost of not having a barrier just above the stomach to keep that acid down. It got so bad i would literally cry from the pain.

    Tried everything, a cool little home remedy is MUSTARD!! Believe it or not. Now it may work for some of ya or it may not, but at the instant of having flux, take a tablespoon and with no questions asked swallow it. It counters the flux and pushes it back down. Now of course this is just temp, but I tell what a great feeling afterwards. Now its time to go to the doctors.

    I SWEAR by the stuff i take now, as soon as i wake up i take Lansoprozole ( generic name) aka Prevacid. Cost is good especially if you have a plan. I should mention i am in Canada. I pay 11.00 for 3 months worth. great info but disagree with the side effects.

    If anyone has any questions, concerns or would like to talk more about it, post it up!! This really is a serious issue as cancer can form in the esophagus...and we do not want that!!

    P.S i myself will try this Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar...I'll let you know how it all goes, or not now that i am so used to my stuff lol.
    Last edited by cdaddy; 11-16-2013 at 02:16 PM.

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