I just started a cycle of 100mg anadrol anapolan to be exact 500mg test enanthate once weekly and 400mg eq one weekly the anadrol I plan on running for about five weeks and the others for twelve weeks at least possibly longer for the test. I was in prison for eight years for a sales case in NH and MA unfortunately while I was there I contracted hepatitis c from tattoos my hep c is in what they call stage one and is not currently effecting my liver levels I just had blood work done right before starting this cycle and I'm going tomorrow to get more labs done now that I'm about ten days into it to make sure my liver levels are still on point, my question is assuming my levels are alright tomorrow and I continue with this cycle what do you guys recommend as far as liver support supplements currently I'm taking the recommended dose of liv 52 by Himalaya is this enough. And I will be getting labs done every two weeks due to the hep c to make sure I don't do any serious irreversible damage to my liver. Thank you very much to those who read and comment on this I appreciate the guidance.