Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
if your goal is to put on 15 pounds of muscle and get jacked.. which I'm guessing it is, cause I've helped plenty of people use low dose HGH for lipolytic effects and it works like a charm... but to get jacked, its not so simple as running 6iu every single day and just keeping feeding that with $..
HGH to get lean and full is easy.. hgh to get big is a little different and you can NOT do it without insulin . you try to get big using HGH and you will end up diabetic. but it you use the right protocols and use HGH's effect on glucose metabolism and fueling that glucose for growth only, and you can grow like a weed and safely .

again you can't just take HGH and expect to grow, it doesn't work that way (at least for muscle).. can you get lean using HGH, yes for sure.. but real muscle growth is hard and it has to be tied into glucose metabolism and protein synthesis to work.
a bolus dose of HGH a few times per week in the right setting is my strategy. not daily use of HGH.. anyhow I can clarify later
I am a slin fan so that sounds great.